• elbucho@lemmy.world
    8 months ago

    I just don’t get it. Not only did the judge give the NY AG less than the minimum penalty they were asking for, but he also walked back his earlier ruling to dissolve Trump’s NY corporations. Why? Why is everybody still treating this idiot with kid gloves? He’s obviously guilty of everything the NY AG accused him of. His antics in court were appalling, and if he were anybody else, he’d have served jail time (probably multiple times over) for the many, many times he disrupted the court proceedings. So why the fuck would the judge decide to show him any leniency whatsoever?

    God, I hate this political shit. Everybody loves to say that idiotic line: “nobody is above the law”, and yet their actions demonstrate that this shitstain is absolutely above the law. I mean, I get it; he’s a cult leader with a huge following of morally bankrupt, well-armed dipshits. But so fucking what? If there’s gonna be a fight, let’s have a fight and be done with it.

    • Dkarma@lemmy.world
      8 months ago

      Dude ok it’s “less than the minimum”. It’s 354 million. Trump doesn’t have that anywhere.

      This is a super smart move by the prosecutor and judge. It will probably make this appeal proof considering everything that has gone on with this case.

      Trump will appeal and when thats over he’s basically bankrupt. Between this and the e jean lawsuit he’s in the hole almost 425 mil b4 lawyers fees.

      • elbucho@lemmy.world
        8 months ago

        Lowering the penalty doesn’t make it in any way appeal-proof. Appeals are based on the merits of the case, not the penalty awarded, unless that penalty is considered “egregious”. The standard for egregious is usually somewhere north of 10X what a reasonable judgment would be. So lowering it from $370 to $364M will not in any way have an effect on the “egregious penalty” portion. Additionally, he had ALREADY RULED that Trump’s businesses were to be dissolved, and then he later walked back that ruling. If you’re going to find that all of the officers of the Trump Organization knowingly and willfully committed fraud over the span of decades (which he did), then dissolving their businesses is a logical thing to do. And if he were anybody other than Donald fucking Trump, those businesses would still be ordered to be liquidated, and none of those officers would be allowed to have any role in the running of any company in NY for life. Those are reasonable rulings that would have been applied to anybody else. Doing what Engoron did is just some straight up pussy shit.