And what skills or modifiers do you get?

    1 year ago

    Regular Bard

    Ancestry: Northern European
    Advantage on Con saves against weather affects and immune to Exhaustion caused by Cold

    Background: Dissilusioned Millennial
    You gain the starting benefit of the last 5 classes you have made progress in, as your inability to decide on a career path has led you to many business ventures which, while failures, have still taught you something.

    Class: Mechanical Engineer 1/ Physicist 1/ Teacher 1/Technical Writer 3/Machinist 5
    Proficiency in Drafting, Proficiency in Abstract Thought, Proficiency in Patience, Proficiency in 1 additional Language of your choice, Proficiency in Persuasion, Proficiency in 3 sets of tools of your choice, Proficiency in Crafting

    Class Features:
    It’s not due until tomorrow
    You gain a +5 instead of a negative modifier to any check made to write on a subject you haven’t prepared for.

    Dimensional Metrology
    You instinctually know when a design you have seen will result in a good part or a bad one.

    Operational Parameters
    When making a crafting check for any tool you are proficient in, you can add double your proficiency bonus.

    Emergency Modifications
    You gain the ability to add a +5 to any crafting check you make, up to a maximum of your INT mod times per day.

    One With Sleep
    You gain a +3 to any skill you have no positive modifier in after an 8 hour bout of sleep.