Could you share the link to that one? Thanks. Looks like this TechCrunch article is sourcing info from emails with advertisers partnered with Reddit, not just from public statements about visitor traffic published by Reddit themselves.
I wonder what the measured metrics are internally. Funny that those earning metrics would’ve been more readily available had they already IPO’ed on the public market.
Wait an article I read earlier is claiming that subreddits are business as usual. Now, this article claims the opposite?
Could you share the link to that one? Thanks. Looks like this TechCrunch article is sourcing info from emails with advertisers partnered with Reddit, not just from public statements about visitor traffic published by Reddit themselves.
I wonder what the measured metrics are internally. Funny that those earning metrics would’ve been more readily available had they already IPO’ed on the public market.
Guessing it’s this wired article
Hot damn now we know why
That’s the media for you 🙄
yeah, i want to know the reality not some delutional article