I agree, but I think we the public have more than a little culpability as well. The fact of the matter is that the demand for quality journalism is much lower than the damand for vapid easily consumable entertaining bullshit. It’s not just that clickbait is cheap; it’s that people want clickbait, even if they say they don’t.
This person gets… sure daddies are fucking us but we hardly even fighting back. Most people love the left/right circle jerk. Muhh SiDe GuD, Ur SidE BaD. I WooNz
I agree, but I think we the public have more than a little culpability as well. The fact of the matter is that the demand for quality journalism is much lower than the damand for vapid easily consumable entertaining bullshit. It’s not just that clickbait is cheap; it’s that people want clickbait, even if they say they don’t.
This person gets… sure daddies are fucking us but we hardly even fighting back. Most people love the left/right circle jerk. Muhh SiDe GuD, Ur SidE BaD. I WooNz
What do u have against daddies?
NO means NO
The milk is going to go bad by the time he makes it back :(
I’m not really sure what you’re trying to say, but er, yeah! Or no way! Or [insert your desired response here]!
people play stupid games then they are surprised when they win stupid prizes…