In recent weeks, Russian state media and online accounts tied to the Kremlin have spread and amplified misleading and incendiary content about U.S. immigration and border security. The campaign seems crafted to stoke outrage and polarization before the 2024 election for the White House, and experts who study Russian disinformation say Americans can expect more to come as Putin looks to weaken support for Ukraine and cut off a vital supply of aid.

  • pelespirit@sh.itjust.worksOPM
    4 months ago

    I’ve known a lot of people who are immigrants and most are/were wonderful people. Everyone is just trying to live a better life, it’s horrible how we treat our fellow humans.

    I do not wish horrible things on the state of texas, but they have had a lot of natural disasters lately. Are they going to move to another state to have a better life? If so, and they’re one of the anti-immigrants, they are 100% hypocrites. I know they won’t care what I or anyone else thinks, it’s just so frustrating.

    • LinkOpensChest.wav
      4 months ago

      I try to do what I can to help in my work and community, but it’s never enough. Unfortunately, I feel like we’re in the minority. There’s so much hate out there.