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The original was posted on /r/AmItheAsshole by /u/RightToPrivate on 2023-07-01 12:33:48+00:00.

My (31M) oldest kid is my wife’s biological son that I adopted. Last year, his school recommended he be assessed for a neurological disability. The process of finding a specialist (that our insurance will work with) has taken a long time. This specialist wants a lot of medical background information on our son. My wife only has her medical background information, which she provided. The specialist said this isn’t sufficient.

I found her ex on Facebook and messaged him to ask for his family’s medical history (I explained why). He immediately blocked me. I found his sister on Facebook after that and sent a similar request. She said she would get me the information. We exchanged emails for this. I got an email from the guy, telling me to stay away from him and his family, or he’ll sue me.

I told the guy I was just trying to find the information I needed, and if he wasn’t willing to help me, I would explore other avenues. He called me an entitled asshole and said I have no right to his personal information. He said scum like me are the lowest of the low. I have, however, continued to email his sister despite his objections. Am I the asshole here? Sure, it’s his personal information, but it’s my son’s personal information too, and he needs it. Could I actually be in the wrong?