Whether you started with a 2600 and a joystick in your hand, an N64 with a blistered palm or building your first PC in your teens, what is that one video game you’ve played at some point that to this day sits at the top of your list.
Stardew valley was a really fun game to play with my wife
Deus Ex on PC, from the year 2000.
This game made me rethink what a game could even be. Whenever I thought of what a great game would be I’d think “It’s like Deus Ex but…”
Witcher 3 is, for me, the best single player game I’ve every played. Though Ocarina of Time comes a close second - and I never even played it on release only years later when I bought an N64 at uni.
For multiplayer, however, you can’t beat Halo with a load of mates round and a crate of beer.
Age Of Empires. I still play to this day!
You mean AoE 2 right?
Outer Wilds and 2nd place isn’t even close
I would’ve thought you’d say Space Cadet Pinball, lieutenant.
I started playing in 2013 when it went open beta. I’ve had a couple breaks from it during the last 10 years and every time I come back its like a whole new game. At this point its like 10 different games wearing a trench coat lmao.
I’m about due to rediscover that game soon, character movement feels so nice I’d often hop on just to zip around and bounce off some walls for a bit.
I love making efficient systems and the freedom to do things the way I want to, such as by using the game’s alternate recipe system.
The exploration and movement systems in the game are also to notch. It’s not quite Titanfall, but I struggle to think of any other game where simply moving around is so fun. That’s on top of how pretty the actual environment is to explore.
Chrono Trigger! Great plot, and it swaps the slow burn that brings a lot of JRPGs down for a shorter story with a ton of replayability. Gameplay and characters are also great!
Either Super Mario World or FF7
Stardew valley
Elden Ring
I just purchased and downloaded last night (steam sale). As a new dad, my time to play has become severely limited. But I am super excited to dive in.
The only “souls-like” game I have ever played was Code Vein, so I am pretty much going in blind.
LMK if you have any pointers or advice for a newbie!
My only advice: explore. If it’s too hard come back latter. Don’t go online to look for walkthrough or video until the last last last minute.
Tekken 3 for the sheer amount of times I beat it front to back. I had no memory card for my PS1 as a kid so I’d leave my Playstation on all weekend while I beat the game. Some days the power went out and I’d lose progress and have to beat it all over again.
Mass Effect. The one game I wish I could entirely erase my memory of and do it all again. <3
“You exist because we allow it, and you will end because we demand it”
It’s been years since I’ve played ME, but this scene will never not give me chills…
I’m okay with giving it a once every two years run, that’s enough to forget it enough to enjoy it all over. Leviathan is easily the best dlc made for any game, imo. Witcher e’s blood and wine being a close second.
Mass Effect is the only game I ever played where I read -every single entry- of lore in the encyclopedia. First game with achievements I did 100% on as well. I built my own Normandy models, even… both of the SR-1 and -2.
I hope ME4 is a return to form when it releases. I also hope the TV series I’ve heard about treats the franchise well… The story would do well as a prestige title IMO so I’ll be super bummed if they don’t do it justice.
Did you know there are books? They’re alright. Nothing terribly earth shaking about em but they’re fair.
Walking around the Citadel in Mass Effect 1 is one of my favorite gaming memories. It felt like I really was free to explore a giant space city. It felt so massive and open.
Burnout 3: Takedown
Skyrim because it’s not just vanilla skyrim.
Vanilla skyrim is good, but skyrim is also modded skyrim.
Some of those mods are basically games in their own right. And not average games either. Enderal and The forgotten city have won awards and are genuinely great.
You can easily spend a thousand hours playing Skyrim and that’s saying something for a game that doesn’t rely on grinding or have an online mode.
Skyrim for me as well. I have literally played thousands of hours. Mostly modded, making different builds. I think I only finished the main quest two times.
Morrowind and Oblivion don’t get enough credit. Skyrim stood on the shoulders of giants.
Morrowind and Oblivion don’t get enough credit.
This couldn’t be more untrue. It’s all but impossible to mention Skyrim in any gaming of gaming-adjacent space without someone bringing up how Morrowind or Oblivion were better.
Not better, just necessary the foundation of Skyrim.
I also don’t need to defend bringing up a related game, that’s just how conversations work.