I’m already hosting pihole, but i know there’s so much great stuff out there! I want to find some useful things that I can get my hands on. Thanks!
Edit: Thanks all! I’ve got a lil homelab setup going now with Pihole, Jellyfin, Paperless ngx, Yacht and YT-DL. Going to be looking into it more tomorrow, this is so much fun!
For me it’s 100% Nextcloud. It was a pain to get working at first (and I’m dreading the day it breaks, if that happens). But it is so much more than just a self-hosted Dropbox solution:
My experience has been that Nextcloud can do 1000 different things, and it sucks at all of them.
That’s a little harsh but I definitely agree it doesn’t tend to offer a better or equal alternative to any free options available. You’re giving up a certain level of ease of use.
Been using nextcloud for about 5 years, right now I use it for storing files and nothing else, and it still kinda sucks at that.
Gonna use paperless for any documents I have in NC, after that there won’t be much left in there, just some old dot files. Maybe I’ll get rid of it entirely
I tried setting up nextcloud. Just ended up creating a samba share instead.
I’m not getting Microsoft Office or Apple quality mail clients, or word editors, but the fact that it’s always available to me is enough to make the trade off worth it. YMMV
Nextcloud is the Wordpress of cloud storage. You can customize it to do literally everything. You can even write your own plugin if necessary. But unlike Wordpress, the default setup is quite locked down (you can’t just drop php files somewhere and have it accessible to reduce security risk) and you’ll actually have to follow certain formats and standards when writing a plugin, unlike the free-for-all every-man-for-himself nature of wordpress plugin development.
Carnet to replace google keep notes
Is that a nextcloud plugin?
It’s a nextcloud app: https://apps.nextcloud.com/apps/carnet
and then there’s an android app for your phone: https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.spisoft.quicknote
Yes, Nextcloud. It’s not perfect, but it has made my life easier for the last few years
Ive run NC in one way or another for years now, and switching to a docker-compose stack was an absolute gamechanger for upgrades and break fix ease.
I had a lot of trouble setting up nextcloud in the past but if you go with the Docker method, it’s really easy.
I did end up using the docker, probably circa 2019, but I recall trouble with the nginx config as well as some of the required docker networking.
Absolutely this. Nextcloud brings so much stuff to the table, it’s just awesome.
It’s a lot of pain to set up, but Nextcloud with OnlyOffice is just great for editing documents collaboratively and in realtime on the web. Actually one of the things that works better than O365’s web editors.
Some of my notes here if anyone wants them
The problem with OnlyOffice is that it doesn’t allow for editing from Android, because then you’ll have to pay, which is why I switched to Collabora Office.
Why dont you use NC app on phone and then also onlyoffice app that opens your files? Browser is slower anyway
Yeah, I’ve also found that issue a while ago. Though I don’t use the editor on Android anyways, so not an issue for me.
I had trouble setting up Collabora Office, but maybe I should revisit that.
Before you set up Collabora, you should know that the rendering is done server-side and not client-side. This provides really good synchronization, as the clients will receive the changes simultaneously, but it also results into slower performance, because the server has to do the rendering, instead of the clients.
Why dont you use NC app on phone and then also onlyoffice app that opens your files? Browser is slower anyway
Why dont you use NC app on phone and then also onlyoffice app that opens your files? Browser is slower anyway
Why dont you use NC app on phone and then also onlyoffice app that opens your files? Browser is slower anyway
Why dont you use NC app on phone and then also onlyoffice app that opens your files? Browser is slower anyway
Why dont you use NC app on phone and then also onlyoffice app that opens your files? Browser is slower anyway
nice wiki!
It’s mostly a recolored version of the Learn2 theme for Grav plus various plugins and small customizations.
If you wanna replace google docs the onlyoffice nextcloud integration is excellent