Indiana used to only have DST near Louisville and Chicago. Then Mitch Daniels ran a first failed campaign for governor on the “give Indiana DST” platform. When he ran again and was re-elected, he gave Indiana DST.
I was born and raised in Indiana, but I was living in California when it happened. It sucked that I had to move back and still deal with the DST I had to deal with in California.
Arizona only has a change of about 4 hours winter to summer vs Northern cities that lose 7 though. The big fight in the north is whether you leave for work in the dark, or leave to go home from work in the dark.
But I also lived in Arizona and DST is so damn terrible. But I’m on team year-round DST because I want after work daylight to get things done (vs Arizona which is year-round Standard Time.
Idk man… Arizona??
(Source: lived there. But also, for your intellectual consideration, fuck dst)
Indiana used to only have DST near Louisville and Chicago. Then Mitch Daniels ran a first failed campaign for governor on the “give Indiana DST” platform. When he ran again and was re-elected, he gave Indiana DST.
I was born and raised in Indiana, but I was living in California when it happened. It sucked that I had to move back and still deal with the DST I had to deal with in California.
I missed a connecting flight in Arizona once, because I didn’t know that they don’t observe DST. I thought I had another hour to get on my plane.
Arizona only has a change of about 4 hours winter to summer vs Northern cities that lose 7 though. The big fight in the north is whether you leave for work in the dark, or leave to go home from work in the dark.
But I also lived in Arizona and DST is so damn terrible. But I’m on team year-round DST because I want after work daylight to get things done (vs Arizona which is year-round Standard Time.