I genuinely think the web has become horrible enough where the browser you use does not really matter from the technical perspective.
It does, however, incredibly important to have more than 1 engine competing, as currently Firefox is the only mainstream browser not built on chromium/google.
Been enjoying Edge for a year, but always appreciated FF for it being it’s own thing. Worth a shot?
Certainly. It’s really important to have as many people as possible using a different browser engine (Gecko) in this Chromium-dominated world.
And … uBlock Origin works the best on Firefox (https://github.com/gorhill/uBlock/wiki/uBlock-Origin-works-best-on-Firefox).
I genuinely think the web has become horrible enough where the browser you use does not really matter from the technical perspective.
It does, however, incredibly important to have more than 1 engine competing, as currently Firefox is the only mainstream browser not built on chromium/google.
Definitely. Check out our switching guide for some tips.
I use edge at work (nothing else available), Firefox everywhere else.
It would be nice if more add-ons were supported on mobile, desktop is great.
Firefox was great, went to shit for a couple of years, and is now back to being great again. I’ve heard it’s much easier on memory as well.
It’s one of the few non-chromium browsers left, so you should definitely try it because Google is trying to make their own standards with chromium.
It’s literally the only non-chromium browser left other than Safari. That’s why it is critically important that Firefox maintain a presence