Mine was cancelled as it should have happened during covid.

I might have gone just to see a few people I enjoyed hanging out with, but lost touch with. And it’s okay, life happened and we all moved on to something else.

I still have a few friends from high school I see on a regular basis, so maybe I have actually regular high school reunions?

  • CaptPretentious@lemmy.world
    1 year ago

    I didn’t go to my 10 year or 20 year.

    I was only half-ass invited to the 10 year. Because someone I knew that I graduated with was talking about it and asked if I was going. I wasn’t even invited. From what I gather, it was just thrown together by a few people and they invited basically only people they were friends with back in high school.

    20 year from what I gather was even more a pathetic attempt appears it might have been people who still live in that town.

    I don’t honestly feel like I missed out. To me, not even being invited tells me these people still haven’t grown up and are still very much thinking in cliques yet. I haven’t seen these people in over 2 decades.