Welcome to SDF Chatter - a federated Lemmy instance

  • dosuser123456@lemmy.sdf.org
    4 months ago

    hi im dosuser123456 but you can just call me dos, i aftuallky joined 4 months ago…

    originally made this account juat for an event but over time its beciome basicallly my main social network along with irc lol

    so uh im just a 14 year old nerd who has a random site, codes mainly in basic (but also batch i guess) and probably has no social life (im quite shy irl)

    oh im also a musicisn and a composer (kinda, if beepbox and “uh this is the worst fasttracker2 module ever lol” count…) and i also draw stuff

    anyways hiiii

    im also known as DOS_User on irc (libera.chat) btw, if looking for other ways to contact me (mostly active on channels #puppylinux, #oldcomputerchallenge, #unix_surrealism and #lolz_this_channel)