RFK gonna bring back dysentery as the number one killer of soldiers during wartime
We also have compound words in English, like breakfast, mailbox, ballpoint, catfish, headache, and storefront. We just tend to keep them short and not start mashing compound words together since we have adjectives to differentiate things
Plus being a professional track and field star makes for a great foundation into the later years.
Not sure how pointing out someone acting like Uncle Ruckus is transphobic. Is it antisemitic to point out that Jewish members were the first group purged from the Nazi party?
Looking into The Mists of Avalon it looks like i inadvertently did lol. I’ve been wanting to read some King Arthur. Do you recommend the book?
She looks just like her momma. In fact, the entire litter looked the exact same! The only way i could differentiate her from the other two that were left was her personality. She’s so sweet and outgoing! The others scampered out of my arms when i tried to hold them, but she let me hold her for a bit before climbing onto my shoulder.
Definitely me under the blanket lol. Both kitties are super affectionate, but she’s definitely more snuggly than Boudica. I got Nini from a friend of a friend when her barn cat had a litter. She was socialized with grade schoolers from birth so she loves snuggling and climbing on people. The past couple nights she has hunkered down on my chest while i read. She just purrs and squeaks without a care in the world.
It’s actually an alternative name for the Lady Of the Lake from King Arthur. It’s an alternate spelling to Viviane.
People always rave about the tortie when i show pictures of them both, but i absolutely love Nini’s black mackeral stripes. They just make her look so distinguished and majestic, especially since very few of her stripes are broken up
Nini has always been a shoulder cat since the first time i held her. Nothing prepared me for her trying to climb on my head though!
Those CEO’s are plenty fine with you dying. I’ll pip champagne the next time a CEO gets whacked
How far up your own ass do you have to be to actually believe that people actually want ads?
What’s there to talk about? Leftists kept trying to tell you that the Democrats were going to lose the election if they didn’t start listening to their base. The Democrats didn’t listen to their base, and got walloped everywhere.
My American grandma (my mom is from England)cane from a super German family. They were 48ers that moved here following the upheaval of 1848, and maintard a lot of German roots. They spoke German at home up until 1914, when they decided it would be bad for someone to overhear them speaking in German, but he still retained enough that he didn’t use any English when he traveled to Germany in the 60’s. He was the first of his family to go to college,and he went to a German college in town, that his kids, his grandon, (my dad) and his great grandsons (my brother and I) also attended. I grew up going to UCC churches (formerly the Reformed German Church), but i definitely identify much more with the English side of the family, and have a super English sounding name.
Around Ohio we still have loads of people with German names, but not too many people speak any amount of German. German immigrants were more or less immediately accepted in American society in a way that Catholic Irish, Italians, and now Hispanics, weren’t. While there are still historic German districts in cities like Cincinnati, Milwaukee, St Louis, and Philadelphia, Germans were integrated in American society and paved the way to loads of American staples like pork chops, hot dogs, hamburgers, lager beers,etc. Oktoberfest celebrations have become a lot like st.patricks day where the holiday is now about heritage than any actual event.
People don’t really talk much about German ancestry though because pretty much every white American (and many Mexican Americans) have a bunch of German ancestors, or even a german last name like Scherzer, Kershaw, Verlander, Anheuser, Busch, Mueller, or Kuhrs. So while most Americans have German ancestry, but few discuss it unless a parent or grandparent was actually born in Germany, Rammenstien AFB not withstanding
Ended up going with a Parker Variant as well as an open comb Maggard head to experiment with on the bevel handle.
I would love to upgrade to something nicer, but I’m stretched thin and don’t have the budget right now unfortunately.
Got home from a weekend of festivities only to find that the threads of my daily driver gave out. It was a Bevel DE kit i bought myself for Christmas back in 2021, so I’m a bit peeved i only got about 3 years out of it. The handle and base plate are still good, but the top cap is unusable.
Anyway, i need a cheap replacement and fast, and am looking for advice on how to prevent the threads from deteriorating in the future. I’m an every day shaver, but my beard is fairly thin and slow growing so i don’t need a very aggressive head. I’ve gotten used to the comically large handle of the Bevl razor I’ve been using, but i am open to just replacing the whole thing
The Supreme Court literally told him that it was impossible for the President to break the law while he was in office
No man ever found salvation at the bottom of a bottle, but maybe i can be the first
Trump had the same number of votes this time as he did in 2020. He didn’t win, the Democrats lost because they had nothing to offer people other than “we aren’t Trump!”. It was a losing strategy in 2016 when the economy was sort of functioning and it only worked when Trump was in power and the morgues were overflowing with dead bodies. Now that the economy is shit for anyone naking less than $200,000 a year, it was a loser again. All the Democrats than ran on “centrist” platforms lost while those offering actual changes like M4A, housing reform, and ending money in politics safely won reflection.
Seventh fleet headquarters to the Sixth fleet when they aren’t involved in a collision.