Biggay [he/him, comrade/them]

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Joined 4 years ago
Cake day: July 29th, 2020


  • do you think any other candidate has a chance of winning the White House in the elections?

    Lets rank them by possibility

    Vice President Kamala Harris. I see her losing a la 2016 just being an absolute dipshit campaigner and ultimately being a really unpopular and offputting person.

    Governor Gavin Newsom. He’s basically a nobody with no publicly stated national beliefs. He looks like a slimeball and is one too. Would lose any or all of the eastern swing states, simply because he didnt have enough time to zero in on what he actually stood for.

    First Lady Michelle Obama. She actually has a decent chance at winning, but why on earth would she want to? People know who she is, she’s well liked by suburbanites and elites. But would she be able to actually go high when confronted by media, or when Trump calls her a man on stage and points at her photoshopped pelvic bulge? I dont know what that looks like but it does feel like something that could happen lathe-of-heaven

    Bernie Sanders. He was also too old in 2020 but I have a feeling that if he gunned for the nom and didnt get it and actually split from the party it would finally destroy it. Please do it grandpa. He wont but I can pray for it.

    Elizabeth Warren. Same schtick as Kamala but also looks old and white. runs and the only black person to vote for her is uncle Ruckus

    Pete Buttigieg. Wins when the CIA totally dissolves the fiction of american democracy and just suspiciously kills trump. If not wins the electoral college but not the popular vote. Or just fails to get a campaign organized after the convention.

  • oh and yeah it just uses a lot of brainworms to kind of draw the systems into view but really after that it does do a good deal of simulating what country like that would look like IE that china starts with a less democratic government than most countries and pollutes a lot and is more unequal than the US but does fairly represent what these governments seem to tend to do in other areas like china is capable of anything given its industrial base. Kind of makes me feel like even if they programmed the brainworms in, the other materialistic programming is too strong of an actual force to represent that it just fades away given little relevance and then displays that reality. Pretty fun

  • Its fun. a lot of the UI is still pretty shit, and as a new player (like I was 3 weeks ago) it felt like i lost a few times because I just dont know where to look. I’ve kept myself free of a lot of guides until I’ve already lost to that thing. But yeah the UI just doesnt give you a lot even though its displaying a lot of information in every screen, does make you feel like mastermind in that way, but you have to click through so much and it doesnt really give you a lot of tooltips for keyboard shortcuts.

    Its 3/5 for me but if you arn’t annoyed by something then you arn’t really in love with it.