CarmineCatboy2 [he/him]

  • 1 Post
Joined 5 months ago
Cake day: February 8th, 2024


  • Self-coup is a bit of a strong word to use given that self-coups involve dissolving parliament or declaring a state of emergency in the face of a real or fabricated threat. Convincing a guy with a cushy latin american general job to drum up an anti communist circus in the capital is something else. What level of Chess would Arce have to be at if he fired Zuñiga for threatening a rival (Morales), all as a conspiracy to seize more power for himself? And then, what powers have Arce seized so far?

    If I were to guess, what is behind this is the fact that Arce and Morales aren’t part of a hivemind. In fact, isn’t Arce supposed to be a dissident?

  • Been saying this for years. When your entire ideology is based around racial supremacy and defending european women from immigrants you’ll accelerate the centralization of Europe, not end the EU. Talk is cheap. People like Le Pen and Meloni talk about ‘ending the EU and creating an Europe of Nations’. The moment they reach critical mass their movement will just wield european institutions to further their agenda. And they won’t have any agenda beyond being cultural reactionaries because they are 20+ countries fully dominated by american capital and won’t agree on anything but killing migrants and sending guns to Israel.

  • That’s assuming the economic arrangement during and post climate change is conductive to rising birth rates in the first place.

    What people, especially on the right, don’t realize is that falling birth rates is not a matter of incentive or culture. It’s correlated with rising literacy rates. That’s it. The moment people realize the costs of raising a child in an industrial society and how that affects their future livelihoods they simply don’t. The reason birth rates were high in pre industrial societies is because having lots of children was the economic strategy of every living human - from peasants to landlords to kings and merchants. The reason we had exploding growth rates during the industrializing period is because literacy rates and standards of living actually went down in many places, and didn’t catch up to the industrial reality until much later. Now, having a child is a luxury for the gentry few. Therefore, populations de-grow.