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Joined 8 months ago
Cake day: October 18th, 2023


  • One time when we were tripping on acid, one guy found a blade a grass that he claimed was changing colors. A bunch of the other guys gathered around and they were all laying there in a circle on their stomachs looking at it, trying to figure out if it was actually changing colors or if they were just tripping.

    They were being ridiculous so I was just laying there staring at the clouds laughing while listening to them debating it.

    The best part was that after about 10 minutes, they concluded that it must actually be changing colors.

  • EatATaco@lemm.eetovegan@lemmy.worldBarf.
    4 days ago

    What I like about tofu is precisely that it doesn’t have much of a flavor, and simply takes on whatever you are cooking it in or with. The only time “plain” tofu really does it for me on its own is when it’s nice and salty and fried really crispy…but even then it’s better with some kind of sauce.

    But on its own, definitely not delicious. Just bland.

  • “You don’t wash the mushrooms? It says on the package, man, they might have poop or pesticide or whatever else.”

    When we make something about the other person, telling them that they are wrong and, in this case, even disgusting, they are going to get offended and be less amendable to seeing your side and helping you out. They may get shamed into doing it, but I think this damages the relationship.

    Just make it about yourself

    “Hey, Im a bit squeamish about unwashed veggies. Do you mind if I rinse them for you?”

    Gets the same point across, but makes it about yourself rather than the other person, so they have no reason to be defensive. They will also be more likely to open up to changing.

  • EatATaco@lemm.eetoGreentext@sh.itjust.worksAnon goes to the gym for the first time
    5 days ago

    This sounds like the gym I used to go to. It was mostly massive powerlifters and female Instagram influencer…all super serious into fitness. And guys would ask me to spot them all the time, and we would often share racks and chat. The girls mostly kept to themselves, but the dudes were all pretty chummy with each other.

    Although that being said, I still think this is made up because I’ve never heard anyone vocally bad mouthing other people at the gym such that they can hear, and the bad mouthing i have heard has absolutely never been about someone out of shape trying to better themselves. It’s always because someone was being a jerk, or selfish or something like that.

  • EatATaco@lemm.eetoPolitical Memes@lemmy.worldNot Likeable
    7 days ago

    Also from the link:

    The irony is that Sanders was a prime beneficiary of this bias, not a victim of it.

    The original claim is that sanders got screwed by the DNC and Clinton conspiring against him, something the emails proved. The article here says he benefited from her and the DNC actions, the exact opposite of being screwed by her and the DNC.

    If we are arguing that they’re problems with the nominating process and how the DNC runs things, what this article is actually addressing, then yes im 100% on board. We can start by getting rid of super delegates and implement something like star voting.

    But to read that article and actually see it is as confirming the belief that sanders got screwed by Clinton and the DNC, is just mind boggling to me.

    Literally, multiple times, the source explicitly contradicts the point…and are still you are trying to maintain that it supports your point?