• 10 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 29th, 2023


  • Excrubulent@slrpnk.netto196@lemmy.blahaj.zoneStone Rule
    24 hours ago

    Downvotes being visible is possible throughout lemmy because the voting is federated and therefore public. Whether downvotes show depends on whatever frontend you’re using, so your mobile app or your instance’s web view. There has recently been an update that changed how votes are displayed, so it’s possible your instance has updated to that.

  • Wait wait wait so… this person forgot the pythagorean theorem?

    Like that is the most basic task. It’s d = sqrt((x1 - x2)^2 + (y1 - y2)^2), right?

    That was off the top of my head, this person didn’t understand that? Do I get a job now?

    I have seen a lot of programmers talk about how much time it saves them. It’s entirely possible it makes them very fast at making garbage code. One thing I’ve known for a long time is that understanding code is much harder than writing it, and so asking an LLM to generate your code sounds like it’s just creating harder work for you, unless you don’t care about getting it right.

  • I really like this idea, and like you point out elsewhere it might be possible to achieve this without prohibitive “river-like” worldgen problems.

    I’ve long thought that a big problem with villages & villagers is that Minecraft’s design philosophy has always prized player-supremacy. That is, the player can change any blocks and very few other things can alter them. (creepers are fine; endermen acne can fuck right off)

    So the villagers are stuck with the village they were given and cannot help themselves.

    If villagers were given the power to dig and build to create the paths they need, repair their buildings and to fight off monsters, they’d be so much more interesting, and players wouldn’t be able to silo them off in little stalls to act as simple vending machines. The player would be forced to respect their autonomy.

    I know the villagers already create big lag, but that’s because they’re constantly recalculating their pathfinding. If they made a path, and only recalculated when they bumped into one another or a block on their path was updated, then they wouldn’t need to do that, and they could have more complex behaviours. Also as a bonus this would fix a lot of mob lag.

    It would be a lot easier if the villages spawned on reasonable terrain as well.

  • Well then read into it if you want to make pronouncements about it. It is the revocation of a license that was sold in perpetuity. That is quite different to no longer providing a service in general. It is selectively denying service to a certain group without legal cause. There were no terms in the contract with Mojang that they could unilaterally remove the license if you didn’t do a specific digital dance on their terms. If it is unlawful, the lawsuit will determine that.

    And my point is that if it is indeed unlawful, then telling people years in advance makes no difference, especially if, in some cases mentioned in this very thread, people tried to transfer and couldn’t and were given no way to fix it.

  • And if you bought in alpha, it is for “every future version” of Minecraft. I made it into that group by like a week.

    If Microsoft wants to keep profiting off of Minecraft’s name, then they are making “future versions” and they need to honour that. They don’t want to do that? Okay, call it “shitty block building game rip-off #15,084,831”. But they won’t, because that name is valuable for good reason.

    It would cost them literally nothing and gain massive goodwill to give that out to like the tiny minority of early players, many of whom won’t even use it, but something about being a corporation makes it impossible for them to do literally anything good. It’s frankly baffling.

  • You’re assuming the DNC even wants to win.

    They are a corporate machine with a lot of the same donors as Republicans. Their job is to provide a nominal resistance to the oligarchy, not actually win, govern, or fix things. That’s why they don’t want Bernie who is not on board with their mission. He was so popular his ideas dominated the primaries, so the DNC pulled out all the stops to keep him from winning, because it would’ve been very hard to maintain their soft obstructionism with him pushing on so many issues from the bully pulpit.

    This is part of why I think you actually should vote for the Dem candidate as long as they’re not the raging fascist that Trump is - they don’t care about your protest vote or whatever. They will just lose, shrug their shoulders and start fund-raising for the next season where they will continue to be the only viable option because of deeply entrenched structural obstacles to any alternative.