Ah, the good old von-Papen-maneuver. This time it will work for sure. What could possibly go wrong?
Ah, the good old von-Papen-maneuver. This time it will work for sure. What could possibly go wrong?
Yes, this happened in Bochum (Germany) a few years ago when a man notified the police because he thought that someone displays a Nazi flag…
denn Jesus Christus hätte für eine AFD sicher nicht viel übrig.
Nein, er hätte nicht nur wenig für die AfD übrig gehabt, er hätte eine Peitsche genommen und denen in die Fresse gehauen. Das hätte der gemacht.
Well, it’s not mandatory to print a receipt in Germany. Only the purchase itself needs to be recorded and the receipt can be issued in a digital form as well. It’s up to the retailers how they want to implement this.
Let’s take the two local bakeries in my neighborhood as an example. One still issues paper receipts and complains since three years about this law with witty share pics that he has to raise prices because of all the paper he needs to buy and that the government does not trust family businesses. And the other one simply provides a QR code on the cash registry’s screen which I can scan within 60 seconds to download the receipt (if I want to) or he prints one if asked to do so.
In fact, I do not see big differences to the situation in France.
If you don’t like rap, then you might want to check out The five year mission. They wrote songs about each an every TOS episode.
Glory to you - and your hair! O.O