GlueBear [they/them, comrade/them]


  • 40 Posts
Joined 8 months ago
Cake day: February 10th, 2024


  • Not a single Arab, Iranian, Assyrian, Kurd, etc in this whole mega thread has resorted to the types of saber rattling “Iran is destroying the resistance by not leveling Tel Aviv” posters.

    This is almost exclusively westerners. I don’t know what twitter war they’re mad at losing bc they keep promising Iranian ballistics next week, but they need to log off.

    If they really can’t speak about Western Asian revolutionaries and revolution without their chauvinism showing, they can simply ignore the whole war.

    We really do not need those types of people voicing opinions and suggestions for a war they’re never going to fight in let alone feel the effects of.

    I’d like for other West Asian users to call these people out. Stop fucking talking about our suffering if you’re just going to be fucking insufferable about it.

  • I demand that crackers stop lecturing western Asians about how our fucking liberation should look like.

    I know you don’t value our lives and safety just by how you armchair general the resistance. The caucasity and arrogance to tell western Asians how our resistance is failing us without seeing the bigger picture that things. Can. Get. Worse.

    No, we are not in a regional war. Yes it sucks that gazans and Lebanese people are fucking dying, those are our people how can we not see that?

    And yes, it can get significantly worse. Millions could die across the whole region, we can suffer in ways we never thought was possible if a hot war erupts.

    Iran especially knows this. Iran doesn’t want to spill the blood of western Asia in the name of tit for tat strikes that would jeopardize the future of liberation and the end of colonialism.

    But absolutely westoid crackers! You definitely care about us whenever you attack Iran for not leveling a city in the name of optics.

    I’m so tired.

  • That’s what happened last time, right? Iran launched all those missiles, rockets, and drones, and the Israel started its bombing campaign on Iran?

    Do you know how much they coordinated with the west and Israel do carry out this strike? THAT was a propaganda move. It had no purpose besides satiating Iranian lust for vengeance. It achieved nothing besides that.

    You’re the user that yelled at an actual Iranian user here that he didn’t understand Iran when he criticized the Iranian government, right?

    Guess I can’t criticize America because red MAGA and blue MAGA know more than me right? By virtue of being American? Every Iranian is locked in with the IRI and knows exactly where their government is at? Iranians elected a guy because they thought he would address the hijab law. Turns out pezeshkian doesn’t call those shots, but yeah Iranians have no liberals or delusional in their borders.

    Stupid doesn’t have a border, nationality, or religion.

    Iran is already in a regional war.

    Do you know what a regional actually is? A few countries doesn’t make a regional war. The whole REGION gets involved. That means Saudi Arabia, UAE, Oman, Jordan, Egypt, in addition to Syria, Iraq, Iran, and Yemen.

    The choices now are capitulation or showing the West that the Resistance is willing to escalate and not only pay a greater price, but inflict a greater one upon their enemies than they thought they would have to pay.

    Fuck you, stop dictating what western Asians need to do for our own liberation.

    A regional war would be everyone bombing everyone, THAT would have casualties in the fucking millions. Fucking excuse Iran for not wanting a million dead Iranians in addition to millions dead in the aforementioned countries.

    But I don’t expect a cracker to get this. It seems you have to actually be Western Asian in order to value the control of the situation.

    I have fucking family across Western Asia, I am Western Asian. Fuck me for wanting more of my people to live instead of die in the millions.

    I’ll take your westoid armchair Doomerism over actual bloodshed of my people any day.

  • They still need to look at striking Israeli economic assets that Israel requires to keep its economy running/are used as debt collateral, and start exploring assassinations in third party countries.


    What do you think Iraq and Yemen are doing? They are doing exactly that right now and it’s working. Moody’s dropped the entity to Baa- Friday this week. Settlers are investing their money outside of the country and industries are leaving in droves. The entity used to be the silicon valley of western Asia and now their tech industry has collapsed.

    You want them to carry out assassinations in countries that aren’t directly involved in the genocide?

    Do you know how stupid that would be? That would only serve to isolate Iran further. They would have more enemies in the end and nothing to show for it.

  • So Iran reacts “appropriately” and now there are air strikes in Iran. 10s of thousands die and the hub of resistance has been destroyed. Now what?

    Like it or not, Isntrael wants a regional war with us boots on the ground. They know that a fast all-out war is to their benefit. Which is why patience and biding one’s time is the key to winning.

    Imagine fucking Putin leveled kyiv, exterminating 10% of the city population and killing zelensky. Maybe you might think that’s good and cool and Ukraine is gonna lose for real this time.

    Then NATO and her allies bomb the ever living fuck out of Russian border towns. Killing untold amounts of civilians.

    Then the Russians who thought Putin was going to protect them realize that no one is gonna save them.

    Then those same Russians who thought Putin’s “smo” wasn’t gonna affect them in any way realize that was a lie and now they’re calling for resignation of Putin and his whole cabinet.

    Then what? Where’s the victory? War isn’t a 2 year project, it could take a decade.

    What’s the point of fighting a battle that compromises your odds of winning the war?

    Iran has people too, those are also human lives that could be affected by a regional war. A regional war could risk ending the Iranian revolution and a return to pre-revolution Iran. It’s not like the IRI is super popular right now, why risk a coup?

    In the end what’s necessary is attrition, it’s the only way the resistance can fight back. Killing important people only serves to draw countries into a fast-hot war. That’s why they keep doing it.

    The people criticizing you (and not to single you out, but I mean this in the “royal you” sense) for “DOoMeRIsm” were actually criticizing the armchair general stuff.