Maintainer of libtcod, and active in the RoguelikeDev community.

  • 2 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 12th, 2023

  • I was thinking I’d cross-post any new content to both with a preference for

    The issue is less about which one is more popular and more about which one might have federation issues. has an open approval process which makes it more accessible for joining the Fediverse but causes grief as its users become associated with bots and trolls. If you follow the drama then you’d know that the large community has defederated until better moderation tools can be made. is less at risk of being defederated and the community hosted there can be posted to just as easily from or any other instance.

  • Yeah. I’d really prefer a federated community so that it’s accessible no matter where anyone ends up.

    I’ll probably start sharing this community or /c/ or both in my posts to Reddit and other places.

    I’ve ended up with several accounts as I try to get familiar with these instances. There’s some stability issues on some instances and others are already having moderator drama. is very stable but some instances are having trouble dealing with trolls using its accessible account registration. So far it feels a lot like Godot in that it’s not the best but it feels like things will only go up from here if you endure it.