• 2 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 13th, 2023


  • Interesting, looks like they might be using a completely different file format for iOS versus Android. In any case, I’ve knocked up a script which will extract the track.ogg file from any pack of your choosing. Pasting directly here to see if it works (haven’t tried sharing code on Lemmy).

    You can browse available packs using the below URL. If you want to find out a pack name, just copy the banner image URL for it and you’ll see the “com.whatever” name in the URL itself.



    import sys
    import requests
    import hashlib
    import io
    import zipfile
    ns_baseurl = "https://s3.amazonaws.com/naturespace/kindle_catalog/"
    # Encryption key
    key = b'DE2#We@(# sffsFSHfssfhsSFHSs_+&Gaa s,W.Z./lSFGSDF! NOWG!fjasdflasdkfjSADFKJASdflskgj fdkaG8HS42dncuFFSe=-56a'
    def decryptNS(content):
    	x = 1025
    	y = 0
    	dec = bytearray()
    	for i in range(x,len(content)):
    		if ((i+1024) % 1024) != 0:
    			dec += bytes([content[i] ^ key[y % len(key)]])
    			y = y+1
    	return dec
    if __name__ == '__main__':
    	if len(sys.argv) < 2:
    		print("Please provide a pack/module name (e.g. 'com.HolographicAudioTheater.Naturespace.TheImaginarium')")
    	pack = sys.argv[1]
    	json_url = ns_baseurl + pack + "/data.json"
    	size = requests.get(json_url).json()["packageSize"]
    	hashval = hashlib.sha1((pack + "8DvJx25sXwNwq2p" + size).encode()).hexdigest()
    	dlurl = ns_baseurl + pack + "/" + hashval + "/" + pack + ".nzp"
    	content = decryptNS(requests.get(dlurl).content)
    	with open(pack + ".zip", "wb") as f:
    	zipf = io.BytesIO(content)
    	zipfile = zipfile.ZipFile(zipf, 'r')
    	track_nsp = zipfile.read('track.nsp')
    	track_ogg = decryptNS(track_nsp)
    	with open(pack + "_track.ogg", "wb") as f:

  • If the content is being downloaded then you could do the following:

    • Setup a proxy like Fiddler2 on a PC on the same network your phone is connected to. You’ll need to configure Fiddler2 to decrypt HTTPS and then access the proxy certificate on your iPhone and add it as a trusted certificate. You’ll need to Google how to do this with Fiddler2 but it’s not hard

    • Configure your iPhone to connect through the Fiddler2 proxy by modifying your WiFi settings. If your PC is allowing connections to the Fiddler2 proxy port (e.g. 8888) and you’re trusted the cert on your iPhone, then connecting to websites in safari should be working

    • Open the naturespace app on your iPhone and delete the sounds you’re interested in. ONLY do this if you’re sure you can still re-download them. If not, this whole approach won’t work so just stop here.

    • Download the sounds again

    You should then be able to see the web requests that were made to download the sounds in Fiddler2 on your PC. As long as there’s no fancy encryption, you should be able to just save the content out of Fiddler2.