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Cake day: July 2nd, 2023


  • Int_not_found@feddit.detoAntiwork@slrpnk.netI want to live
    7 months ago

    The Problem with things, like the 15 hour per week claim, is that work isn’t comparable in different forms of society.

    The article for example never specified, what it defines as work. Is only the time spent hunting or foraging ‘work’ ?

    Is making & maintaining tools work? Is learning a new skill from an elder work? Is experimenting with a new technique work? Is keeping the campfire alive work? Is keeping watch for dangerous animals work? All of which are work in today’s society. Hell, over half of my work week is spent ‘socialising’. Do I only work for 20 hours a week now?

    Every article or study, that I know of, that claims that people in the past worked significantly less, fails to specify what it defines as work.

  • You can’t ‘learn concepts by repetition’, that is not how learning works. You can learn a concept & repeat its application to be faster at it.

    And that’s the problem. What if the student didn’t catch the concept during the lesson? He or She needs help by a guardian or be punished for not completing the task.

    Same thing with the supposed self management skills. What if the student fails at it? He or she needs help by a guardian or will be punished.

    At the end of the day homework is a tool to offload tasks of the school to the guardians of the student. A schools system, that relies on homework, is a system that fails in its task of creating a level playing regardless of socioeconomic background of the student.

  • Germany also has laws criminalizing insults. You can actually be prosecuted for calling someone an asshole, say. Americans tend to be horrified when they learn that. I wonder if feelings in that regard may be changing.

    I don’t care about the feelings of Americans reading this. Tbh

    Germany is a western liberal democracy, same as the US.

    On the other hand I’m horrified, that you seem to equate a quick insult with Deepfake-Porn of Minors.

    The police would also seize the records of internet services. I’d think some people would have concerns about the level of government surveillance here; perhaps that should be addressed.

    Arguably the unrestricted access of government entities to this kind of data is higher in the US then the EU.

    How does that relate to encryption, for example? Some services may feel that they avoid a lot of bother and attract customers by not storing the relevant data. Should they be forced?

    There are many entities that store data about you. Maybe the specific service doesn’t cooperate. But what about the server-hoster, maybe the ad-network, maybe the app-store, certainly the payment processor.

    If the police can layout how that data can help solve the case, providers should & can be forced by judges to give out that data to an certain extent. Both in the US and the EU

    Does the German police commonly investigate this?

    Insults? No, those are mostly a civil matter not a criminal one

    (Deepfake-) Porn of Minors? Yes certainly

  • 1.) Germany has civil laws giving a person depicted similar rights as the creator of an image. It is also an criminal offense publishing images, that are designt to damage an persons public image, Those aren’t perfect, mainly because there wording is outdated, but the more general legal sentiment is there.

    2.) The police traces the origin through detective work. Social Cycles in schools aren’t that huge so p2p distribution is pretty traceable & publishing sites usually have ip-logs.

    A criminal court decides the severity of the punishment for the perpetrator. A civil court decides about the amount of monetary damages, that were caused and have to be compensated by the perp or his/her legal guardian.

    People simply forwarding such material can also be liable (since they are distributing copyrighted material) & therefore the distribution can be slowed or stopped.,

    3.) It gives the police a reason to investigate, gives victims a tool to stop distribution & is a way to compensate the damages caused to victims

  • "Everyone is struggling with too much screen time,” said Ludivine, a cardiology nurse, as she had her hair cut into a bob, leaving her phone out of sight in her bag. “I voted in favour, this could be a solution.”

    I find it always funny, that you can read the narcissism & projection so clearly. “I have a phone addiction and I have recognised it. Now I am expecting everyone around me to restrain themself, to compensate for my lack of selfcontrol”

    And it’s always ‘the children’. If you don’t want your child to have access to a screen, don’t give it one. Society isn’t responsible to manage the screen time of your toddler. You are.

  • Ja genau. Das es den Leuten in der Heimat durch Kleinigkeiten gerade so viel besser geht, dass sie eben nicht die lange, ungewisse und vielen Fällen wirtschaftliche Existenz verzehrende Flucht antreten, ist jenachdem wen man fragt ein deutlich messbarer bis starker Push-Faktor.

    Ob bürokratische Hürden, die man erst erfährt wenn man in Deutschland ist, den gleichen Effekt haben, wage ich zu bezweifeln. Anekdotisch habe ich gehört, dass Leute die hier leben solche Sachen garnicht erwähnen. Entsprechend ist der eleminierte Pull-Faktor auch eher gering im Vergleich.

  • Keiner redet davon denen vorzuschreiben, welches Toilettenpapier oder Schnitzel erlaubt ist.

    Man redet davon eine Aufzeichnung zu führen, wo genau das Geld hinfließt.

    Das kann für eine(n) engagierten Sachbearbeiter:in ein super Mittel sein, um Probleme zu finden. Bloß das bei weitem nicht alle Sacharbeiter:innen engagiert sind. Im Gegenteil zum Teil sitzen da aus eigener Erfahrung richtige Mobber. Ich garantiere, dass die Wahl des Klopapiers irgendwo kritisiert werden wird.

    Genauso gut kann man das Argument andersrum drehen: an einem schwierigen Punkt im Leben solcher Menschen ist das letzte, was sie brauchen Alkohol/Drogen. Der Missbrauch davon als Mechanismus, um mit den Lebensumständen klarzukommen, birgt große Gefahren gesundheitlich und gesellschaftlich.

    Du schlägst hier also massive Investitionen in die mentale Gesundheit-Infrastruktur & eine psychologisch geschulten Begleitung für jeden Arbeitslosen vor um mentale Probleme frühzeitig zu erkennen und abzuwenden?

    Ansonsten schlägst du hier gerade einfach nur die gezielte Schaffung eines Schwarzmarkts vor. Abhängige besorgen sich ihre Drogen, egal wie. Und unter den Leidtragenden der Maßnahme sind hauptsächlich Leute, die garnicht Drogenabhängig sind oder sich in Gefahr befinden in die Sucht zu rutschen.

  • Fehlende Selbstbestimmung ist jetzt schon ein massives Problem bei so Sachen wie Bürgergeld. Wenn man Menschen die Selbstbestimmung nimmt, dann wird es super schnell verlernt für sich selbst Entscheidungen zu treffen.

    Für Betroffene hat das weitreichende Folgen. Fängt bei so simplen Sachen an, wie dem Verschwinden von langfristigen Zielen bis hin zu schweren psychischen Schäden in extremen Fällen.

    Man züchtet als Gesellschaft einfach einen Bodensatz an Zombies, die kaum fähig sind ihr Abendessen auszusuchen, geschweige denn am gestaltend am gesellschaftlichen Leben teilzunehmen.

    Je länger sie Leute im System hängen desto schwieriger kommen sie dort heraus. Einfach weil sie verlernen ihr Leben zu gestalten.

    Und für was? Kostenbegrenzung ist es bei der Bürokratie drumherum sicher nicht.

  • If you had to boil down, the german constitution into one short sentence, it would be ‘Never again’.

    So displaying the german flag at such an occasion, is acually one of the few occasions where it is appropriate to use it in an political context IMHO.

    And as a bonus point it gives nazis a taste of there own medicine, by taking symbols & language used by the opposition for your own movement. But in an non-stupid way this time.

  • He does and he is pretty much talking out of his arse. Every thing that is written down In aviation usually has a really solid foundation, on why it is written down in that way.

    I don’t say that a plainly wrong maintenance guide is not to blame here. I’m saying that the much more likely reason, lies in less definable areas. Like bad maintenance crew training or undiscovered faults in the maintance processes, like storing badly labeled bolts with similar threading but different tolerances near each other.

  • In Germany about 60 people are shot per year by police

    According to whom? The officially reported figure lies between 5 & 15 fatal shots fired by police officers per year, with 15 being a sharp outlier.

    Obviously it’s better if no one got shot but let’s not overexaggerate the risk, like has been happening in this thread and is what I’m responding to.

    The thread you are responding to talks about the track record of US police officer not the all around risks of being alive. So let’s look at the track record of US police officer. A US police officer is 200x more likely to shoot somebody, then his German counter part (adjusted for population). How high would you put that number, before it is worth discussing to you? How many people have to die, that you are willing to discuss this issue?

  • Int_not_found@feddit.deto4chan@lemmy.worldAnon on credit scores
    1 year ago

    As someone, who loves dunking on the Schufa, as any good German should. The Schufa-Score isn’t nearly as insane as some American credit score systems. Having an registered checkingsaccount & no outstanding bills or debt payments is enough data to have a high score.

    You don’t need to repay debt to show, that you are able to.