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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: August 10th, 2023

  • Enough people in the US were killed for crimes way smaller what you describe, even people that we know were innocent and there are still people facing the death penalty that are innocent.

    However unhoused people face a much higher risk to death, systematic coercion for rent and what is combined with it is coercing with the threat of not having a safe place during catastrophes, yes that is more than a small crime (if you take their position). It would be more akin to running organized crime.

    My solution for that isn’t what they suggest, but don’t take the worst possible interpretation about them, then you will show more what you think about them.

    Ah yes, so Law=Right

    You need to sit down on a bench and listen to some introductory philosophy and politics lectures.

    If you agree that killing (which isn’t murder, the latter being a legal distinction) people is wrong what did you do to stop the people dying from Covid, dying from the climate catastrophe, etc.?

    1. Every year, roughly 13,000 homeless people die in the US. Approximately 2.4% of homeless persons die every year — about 13,000 out of half a million. When you think about it, homelessness is a significant health risk for individuals.

  • Reminds me of this: https://www.youtube.com/watch?t=192&v=KNGIyUnLX_0&feature=youtu.be

    However it is much easier to sell/convert your assets than it is to give up a political leaning. In my country the death penalty is not allowed, however in the US it is. As long as that is the case any argument that death can’t be the answer to crimes (and this is what they demand) can’t really be done.

    but if wishing execution (a penalty under law)

    This is legalism.

    Besides during Covid we did see how eager Corporations and Governments were with letting people die, so 5 years ago I would’ve taken your argument with more seriousness.

    All in all your arguments fall flat with what they tell. Do I think that during revolutions people might die? Yes. I do believe that the use of violence by states is something they have to do to remain states. They use violence even for internal matters that are about shares of profit of society (political economy) and kill people.

    Does this instance’s want for civility clash with their instance’s post? Yes. Do their posters do act uncivil on this instance? Not all, but some, which could be banned. The admins take a quicker approach that targets innocent posters, that use of force (control over the instance) is due to the admins quasi-monopoly on admin powers, too. So ultimately it was a decision of the admins.

  • top keks

    being a leftist myself


    liking military history

    X: [Doubt]

    None of your comments within the last 2 month point into any direction like that.

    Just a warning Preußisch Blau, the colour and name, is mostly used by what in the US would be Alt-Right people who try to link themselves to the German Empire (sometimes as substitute for the Nazi regime). Using 4chans kek hints at you being aware of that.

    If you want to educate yourself and really are German as you claim you can visit our museum to learn more.

  • In Berlin the stock exchange listed property companies own more than 20% of the flats, big corporations/large private investors own more than 20%, too, then there are smaller still very profit oriented companies, as well as smaller investors, basically 50-60% of all flats (and that amounts to more than 90% of all newly let out flats) are controlled by them, which means that to focus on small landlords is pretty irrelevant. Give me a specific city and specific ownership structure (which works well in some European countries in which plot information, company information and sometimes individual income information are online and open).

    “Many” in small landlords means too few to have market price changing effects. Even small landlords do take the worth increases of their plots which are related to things outside their control i.e. state investments, network effects etc. even the small ones take in renters so that the renters finance their mortgages. So they are not really different, though they don’t have the economic power to influence politics as much and abuse the court systems as much.

  • Even more:

    Your link did also not show me the user is related to Q in any way. This again makes you a propagandist.

    They say they are extreme leftists on their sidebar, but their politics are anti-Western, which puts them essentially with NK, China, and Russia

    This is a common US military talking point, which you being a US soldier fits well. Equating anti-Westernism with “horrible regimes” (that is the dogwhistle you use) would mean that most academics and political scientists are supporting North Korea? You are a shill, one literally paid by the US military’s intelligence.

  • Then you are a liar, which is common for US soldiers.

    You being a soldier is the reason the people flung those things at you. Which is more understandable, judging the actions of US and Canadian troops in Iraq as example.

    I just want you to know as a member us military I hope you lose everything and end up drunk and homeless without ever being able to sleep. I’m glad that this is statistically likely.

    Is also quite clear that it is about the job you do. It is funny how a literal US military government employee influences the discussion on de-federation without that being a relevant point.

    Collateral damage: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zYTxuW2vmzk (which you are not allowed to watch, since that would breach your regulations) Shows civilians being targeted.

  • Read up on the concepts of ownership, property, belongings, usage etc. you have a French/Roman tradition for millenia which discriminates those rights. That you are uneducated is hardly archomrade’s fault.

    You also ignore the monopoly of violence which is the state’s and of course there is usage of violence even if you argue it is moral or can be legal. To think what legal is moral and what is legal is without violence would support genocides, colonialist murder of millions, their expropriation of land, goods, and children and legitimize atrocities of ultra nationalist governments.

    The argument in short is: To ask yourself what you need to know to understand archomrade’s points.

  • I see, you have never visited an institute of higher learning from the inside. Even reactionaries like Carl Schmitt would agree with my sentence, however you lack the political and sociological education to understand that. In short: Read up on violence and ask your friends who studied what violence means, especially how violence and monopoly on violence into the inner and into the outer works, ask what Weber’s definition was, too.

    pulled out of your ass

    I would like the mods to ban/defederate with this user, they break civility quite a bit.

  • It is interesting that you conflate two things, like “no violence” (ignoring the violence that landlords, yes even small ones, do) and then also having the urge to defend and discriminate landlords with good ones implicitly not beeing greedy and single families. However what you wish for in the world is not what I hear when I go to the pub on the corner, there I will hear calls for violence against quite a few groups, trans people, women, minorities, marginalized, unhoused, politicians, leftists, antifascists, activistsm BIPoCs, neurodivergent, unhoused, etc. etc. plenty of times and fast.

    I just wish people like you would try to enforce your “no violence” rules in real life as openly as you do it here. Of course I would also urge you to see violence in denying people healthcare or housing, education, food etc, too.

  • Edit after having looked into it: init is a liar, they are a US soldier and were attacked for that reason, more in the next comments

    Which Q Anon adjacent user? Link would be nice, if you are speaking truthful it would great if you could do a link, but name is fine, too.

    Most leftists are anti-Western, has to do with the US’s hegemonial role during the Cold War and its support of genocide, murder, torture and violence against socialist sympathizers and coups i.e. in South America. As the Jakarta Method describes well.

    Getting told I should die because I corrected a Hexbear’s use of misinformation is surreal.

    Do you have a link for that as well?