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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 8th, 2023


  • Biden literally walked the UAW picket line you fucking house plant lol

    People like you existed in 2016 when they pouted and complained that Hillary Clinton was a war criminal and that if the DNC yadda yaddas her past Bernie then America deserves what Trump will bring! And then what happened?

    Trump got elected, appointed hundreds of right wing judges, including 3 of the Supreme Court judges that overturned Roe v Wade, and lit a tank of gasoline of lunatics on fire who want to turn America into a real life Handmaid’s Tale.


    Don’t let perfect be the enemy of the good. Too many people are going to get hurt in very real ways if Trump gets elected. He will do every bad thing you think Biden is doing.

  • You have so many things wrong in your comment.

    Biden’s Congress and agenda rested on a thin margin in the Senate, with people like Manchin and Sinema voting against important pieces. What he can do unilaterally, he did, but he can’t do that for everything. Then Republicans took the House.

    Biden didn’t cause private, for profit corporations to raise their prices, the corporations chose to do that because they knew they could. They could have simply made a little less money, but they chose to pass any increase in global supply chain costs off to the consumers. Not to mention that inflation around the world is much worse than it is here. But I suppose you’d never give Biden credit for that, huh?

    Roe v Wade was overturned by a Supreme Court controlled by right wing judges that were appointed by presidents other than Biden. Three of them were appointed by Trump. Again, Biden can’t act unilaterally to undo that or to pass abortion protections, and Manchin proved that he wasn’t going to be any help. So wtf do you even want Biden to do?

    And with your point on fascism, again, what the hell do you want him to do? Trump is on trial four different ways in multiple jurisdictions. The fact that it’s been slow going is a consequence of our legal system and Trump’s resources to be able to abuse it. The wheels is justice turn slowly, and that’s Biden’s fault?

    You sound like someone who doesn’t know how the government and judicial system works, and is woefully ignorant of the nuts and bolts of policy. You seem genuinely upset that Biden hasn’t magically fixed every problem in 2.5 years, and you’re holding it against him for some reason. That wouldn’t be an issue, except people like you, who are going to cross your arms and pout come next November are going to allow Trump to be reelected.

    And trust me when I say that he will do active harm to the things you care about. Don’t risk it.

  • What are you talking about? Obi-Wan shows up as a Force ghost after Yoda dies and helps Luke realize Leia is his sister. Then, before leaving the Ewok story time to surrender to Vader, Luke tells Leia that she’s his sister.

    Then she tells Han after the battle of Endor is over. It’s pretty clear how that info was generated and passed between characters in a non-story busting way.