JohnBrownsBussy2 [undecided, they/them]

Sequel to JohnBrownsBussy

  • 29 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: March 24th, 2023


  • So, I finally headed my vet’s advice and got my cats teeth cleaning. Unfortunately, one of my cats had a bad reaction when being taken out of the kennel. I normally take him out myself, but that wasn’t possible since I had to be at work, and I had to drop off the cats in the morning at the vet. He hit his face so hard that I actually cracked one of his canine teeth, and it had to be removed.

    Fortunately, the vet comp’d that additional dental surgery and pain medicine. I wish it was there so that it didn’t happen, but I was more scared about the anesthesia and that ended up being fine. It’s not like he uses those teeth for much anyways (indoor cat on dry food). I now have two cats on pain medicine, they are very sleepy. I was worried about the other cat, since she is really tuckered out from the pain medication, but she was able to get into the liter box and go to the bathroom on her, so I think she’s okay.