LeninsRage [he/him]

  • 1 Post
Joined 4 years ago
Cake day: August 12th, 2020


  • Literally no one here is arguing that Ukraine is good, but the actual leftists (as opposed to national chauvinists) here are arguing that this is unmistakably an inter-imperialist war and not some convoluted “the invasion of Ukraine is anti-imperialist because Russia is on the imperial periphery of a super-imperialist bloc” bullshit argument.

    I’m someone who can absolutely advance arguments that the Russian invasion of Ukraine was caused by outside imperialist circumstances. But now that it has happened, and is actual fact? There is zero “critical support” of Russian aggression here. The only legitimate communist position in this scenario is for Ukrainian and Russian soldiers alike to turn their guns on their own generals. Will that happen? No. But that’s the fucking position the Bolsheviks themselves took from the start, not some ridiculous stance about how actually the Kaiser was right to resist all along and criticizing the German war effort is bad.

  • No they’re not named. But what it does explicitly state is that the discontent against the noble Romanovs was literally fermented by demons, and the male lead in one of the palace servants and helps her and her mother escape. Then in the next scene the opening musical number is the people of St Petersburg Petrograd Leningrad singing and dancing in the streets at the rumor that a Romanov princess survived, and they quickly shut up when a commissar (hammer and sickle on his cap) looks at them angrily.

    I also have to say, it’s a really strange choice that the two leads (and members of the royal family) are the only characters designed to look like real uncanny people, and everyone else looks like a caricature.

  • He might do extensive research for each season of the podcast but in this one there is very much a gaping hole that could have been filled by reading Red Petrograd.

    He at least did a good job of emphasizing how every non-Bolshevik faction completely fucked up their position in between February and October 1917, thus throwing support to the Bolsheviks. But he pretty firmly turned against the Bolsheviks in his narrative after October in a very Orlando Figes kind of way. Thankfully he is covering how the Whites continue to be so incompetent and reactionary that everyone else has no choice but to support the Bolsheviks as the lesser evil. But a major tell is that he puts a lot of emphasis on the Bolsheviks dissolving the Constituent Assembly, ignoring how if the Constituent Assembly was even remotely relevant to the interests of the masses it would not have been so trivial to dissolve it.

  • These public trials and executions were held to the overwhelming approval of the public, pretty much for the purpose of mollifying widespread popular fury toward former Batistiano thugs and terrorists who had made the masses suffer and killed their relatives for years. Historians believe they most likely prevented a bloodbath of mob justice that would have killed hundreds more indiscriminately, and the trials were the method by which the revolutionaries established their authority and re-established some semblance of rule of law.

    If you were tried and executed because of these trials, it’s because you were a close collaborator with the murderous Batista regime. “Police chief of Santa Clara”, yeah, I fucking bet he was.

  • Matt makes explicitly Marxist arguments that to the uninitiated libs are literally alien. This person certainly has no idea what fascism means or “the left” really wants, so they interpret materialist analysis that these CHUDs had no plan and thus could never have accomplished anything meaningful as “agreeing with fash”. This then gets spread around their lame Twitter circle like a game of telephone.

    Again, what would the CHUDs have accomplished if they had simply occupied the Capitol for a prolonged period? The answer is nothing. Merely occupying one building will not magically force the entire apparatus of state to capitulate to your outlandish demands. The only way they could have actually done a coup is if the military then threw in with them, in which case you have much bigger problems than CHUDs in the capital; regardless, there was zero chance of this happening. Meanwhile these same libs were probably falling over themselves to exalt the generals who came out to condemn Trump the other day, zero cognitive dissonance involved.

  • Okay I need to be blunt

    “Woodrow Wilson was the first fascist president” is literally an argument by the reactionary crank Jonah Goldberg in his book Liberal Fascism. It is not true.


    Woodrow Wilson being aligned with the capital-P Progressive movement, there are superficial similarities. Chief among being two central aspects of the Progressive Movement - an obsession with eugenics and social engineering, and explicit class-collaborationism. He is also associated with expansion of government to act as economic planner and mediator-manager of capital and labor in a wartime situation. These are aspects superficially in common with fascisms, but there the similarities really end.

    Probably the most obvious rebuttal to this thesis is that Wilson was arguably the first liberal internationalist, very ahead of his time. He was the foremost advocate of building a managed, institutional world order along liberal lines. This is vehemently at odds with historical fascisms, which are intensely anti-internationalist and tend to be intensely hostile even to each other because their irredentist aims and drive to self-annihilation drive a wedge between them.

  • Because they’re full of isolated, dejected life losers and that’s the type of personality attracted to fascist movements.

    Failed your father’s expectations? Overweight and hideous? Crippling social anxiety and can’t have sex? Filled with disgust when you see other people having fun and living their best lives? Failing business? Can’t get or hold down a job? Have atrocious taste and no talent but insist that you plight in fortune and women is because no one understands you or have lost touch with traditional values?


    Dress in a uniform. Our propaganda portrays us as the peak of masculinity and vigorous, vital action. Return to your real roots. Have a docile homemaker and baby machine for a wife. Plus we know exactly who to blame for the tragedy that is your life.