Sorry, but tbh you know what’s going to happen the moment he leaves the bridge to go make more lembas bread… by himself.
Sorry, but tbh you know what’s going to happen the moment he leaves the bridge to go make more lembas bread… by himself.
Pass it on yourself, I haven’t used FB in at least 10 years. I’m guessing you don’t eat avocado toast either. Stereotypes are stupid aren’t they.
LOL yeah I wasn’t even gonna get into asking why TF hiding the taskbar has anything to do with Explorer.
For a total eclipse of the heart you would need a moon shaped like a big hambone.
But I miss the concept of the handheld unit with roughly 100 buttons on the front.
It definitely wasn’t nothing but that - you have to start with material to correct. For example, I didn’t make this comment until this post came along.
Hey remember that time on Letterman when cocaine had way too much Chris Farley?
Okay bear with me here, what’s the deal with the word “rule” and why are people trying so hard to put it in their posts now? Apparently it makes you cool but why?
“All the communities” you’re … dude, what kind of serial shitposter… nevermind, have a nice day bye.
LOL for a second I thought the shuttlecraft had a trailer hitch.
Never explored it at all until recently, I told it to generate a small country tavern full of NPCs for 1st edition AD&D. It responded with a picturesque description of the tavern and 8 or 9 NPCs, a few of whom had interrelated backgrounds and little plots going on between them. This is exactly the kind of time-consuming prep that always stresses me out as DM before a game night. Then I told it to describe what happens when a raging ogre bursts in through the door. Keeping the tavern context, it told a short but detailed story of basically one round of activity following the ogre’s entrance, with the previously described characters reacting in their own ways.
I think that was all it let me do without a paid account, but I was impressed enough to save this content for a future game session and will be using it again to come up with similar content when I’m short on time.
My daughter, who works for a nonprofit, says she uses ChatGPT frequently to help write grant requests. In her prompts she even tells it to ask her questions about any details it needs to know, and she says it does, and incorporates the new info to generate its output. She thinks it’s a super valuable tool.
Getting ready to go back to Linux, just waiting to get some other stuff out of the way. Taskbar autohide on my Win10 box stopped working this morning. Minor annoyance, I looked it up and found a simple fix - restart the Windows Explorer process. Okay, did that, autohide started working. Bur srsly, the taskbar is almost 30 years old, low-level shit like this SHOULD JUST WORK. Now 12 hours later I just noticed it’s not working again. What the Actual Fuck, guys? Unbelievable.
Clearly he found out something he can’t tell us or he’d have to kill us.
Nope sorry, you’re not allowed to learn from your mistakes anymore. Unless you rationalize that boomers made your actions unavoidable.
As a boomer fully versed in modern phone usage I resent this unwarranted collective slur.
By did something about this I assume you mean did an episode on this subject, not did something to stem the tide of illicit swiping.
I’m thinkin’ Hey!
The secret is that anybody can install Linux even if they can’t do it confidently.
“By 80 percentage points” means add 80 more points to a number of percentage points, so 5% becomes 85%. “By 80 percent” means add 80 percent of the current value.
Depends on the history. You never fire somebody on the first offense in a case of using inappropriate language on the job, because you have to account for their personal background - maybe where they grew up that language is totally normal and they really don’t get that it’s a problem. They have to be given a chance to change their behavior once they’re aware that it’s not okay. If they do it again, it’s a valid violation of workplace standards and totally justifiable to fire them.