LupineTroubles [he/him, they/them]

Do not, my friends, become addicted to bad news. It will take hold of you, and you will resent its absence.

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Joined 3 months ago
Cake day: December 16th, 2024


  • Writing scripts have a tendency to shape the languages that are used by them, this is even true for the spoken language in low literacy societies in past. Even if English could not be written well enough with Chinese script now if it was used for a while it would be influenced by it as more of its rules would diffuse to the language and conventions or new meanings would develop. If anything the fact that there are similar features in languages as different as Chinese and Japanese or Arabic and Persian is all the proof one needs one could see this happen in just a few generations in English and Chinese which are similar in many ways despite the different language families.

  • It’s another symptom of alienation. People try to reclaim agency by acting out against what seems to fall out of control of industry and media. America is an urban, developed society so things like raw milk and meat only diets seem both authentic and transgressive. There is a certain level of glamour to these things because they are out of sight for most almost all their life, even if they buy their raw milk in a carton and their meat prepackaged in a grocery store.

  • It’s impressive what the collective human effort can accomplish when enough people put their minds and will to it.

    I have stopped eating basically anything packaged, cutting few things out first and over time practically all of it. It wasn’t an especially conscious effort even, I feel like I might have fallen out of test groups because I don’t even particularly enjoy those foods now even as massive sweet tooth. Maybe it was because I became more aware of the contents and ingredients of food and stopped making the associations I once made.

  • I definitely agree that it’s a topic that’s overpoliced and there are certain unhealthy behaviors that are glorified. In particular I have been myself tired and critical of all the health influencer and social media information peddlers who specialize over health topics while being sensationalist and seem to made with aim of making people panic. In particular, bodybuilders and weightlifters being such an extensive part of this when it is precisely those that can promote behaviors that are unhealthy both mentally and physically is something I came to greatly dislike recently with my observation that so much information and advice regarding self-care being monopolized by lifters who may or may not be on substances not to even mention crooks and grifters selling things like carnivore diets and what not.

    However it seems that there is an argument being made specifically that being overweight is not the cause of certain health complications ascribed to it, which I’ll try to look up now.

  • I understand being overweight is a systematic and structural situation, I understand everyone is free to possess their body in whichever form they are comfortable in and nobody should receive unsolicited advice or unrequired criticism regarding their bodily autonomy, I understand at every turn there are circumstances beyond one’s own control and responsibility regarding weight and weight loss. I also understand that it can be difficult to diet and exercise even if one is actively trying to lose weight and nobody is obliged to lose weight in the first place if they don’t feel they need to. I also have seen examples of institutional and medical fatphobia on top of widespread fatphobia in popular cultural and media in general. I see all the time people give unsolicited advice with personal anecdotes independent of context of the interaction and abuse fat people receive just for existing and control others try to exert over their life and their situation.

    However one thing that I don’t understand here is the suggestion that being overweight doesn’t cause any issues at all. I am not here to judge but it seems well-researched and readily apparent that being overweight is cause for great deal of health complications and losing weight can alleviate those complications that are caused by being overweight. This again is not a disagreement that there is fatphobia in medicine where people have their issues unrelated to weight or weight loss go untreated because any health issue is simply treated as caused by being overweight and fat people don’t get same attention and care regarding their health by medical personnel. I am just simply not understanding how so much research regarding complications caused by being overweight can all be false independent of that. This is regarding specifically only things which weight loss has been documented to directly alleviate and no other correlational complications which may or may not be related to one’s weight.