MolotovHalfEmpty [he/him]

  • 16 Posts
Joined 4 years ago
Cake day: July 29th, 2020


  • Basically this, but also because often Elbit is leasing the properties for their factories without giving a full accounting of what they produce and for who. So the ‘victim’ in a lot of these cases is a third party property company who, when attention is brought onto the issue at trial, don’t want the potential legal liability or just getting tied up in investigations over war crimes / genocide. So they’d rather treat it as though this is an issue caused by a ‘bad tenant’ (Elbit etc) and deal with it by cancelling Elbit’s lease. This is why so many actions have permanently shut down Elbit sites; because they lose the lease and other property companies are less and less likely to lease to them as they don’t want the trouble either.

  • No, me too.

    Everybody’s Gone To The Rapture was honestly a gaming experience that will be with me until I die. I find it hard to explain exactly why, but I was so, so completely bought in and played the whole thing in one sitting. It feels like one of those incredibly formative acid trips that people talk about but is hard to articulate why it meant so much to them to an outsider.

    I don’t expect anything like that from this, but I’m extremely in for spooky atmosphere on a North Sea oil rig given that I actually have some personal connection to that sort of thing and place in the world.

  • Counterpoint: picturesque rural towns mist-seed their surrounding areas to ward off wealthy summer home buyers who will drive their G Wagon Cabriolets and restored Defenders all over the beach/lakeside until the town erodes into the water and push the price of a salad up to $35 while demanding ‘local’ cafes bus minimum wage employees in from miles away because they can’t afford to live there any more. If you have to stitch some old store mannequins together and leave them under a streetlight to deter any particularly dedicated leaf peepers after Labor Day I think that’s still a task worth doing.

  • Blairite? How dare you! I’ll have you know that Paul Mason is a commited communist, no wait, commited socialist, no wait, socialist realist, hang on, leftist-NAFOist with spice-taking characteristics. You can joke about his Pepe Silva enemies of the state mind map all you like, but the only three true working class white blokes he still drinks with from his Trot days thought it sounded important and I’ll have you know that an admin worker for MI5 sent him a polite email saying they appriciated him sending it in but it wasn’t what they were looking for and to keep trying. That’s basically the same as making him the new James Bond right there! People are just bitter because he was the first to correctly identify that the best route to a worldwide socialist unity is to back Starmer and insist he immeadiately starts a nuclear war with Russia for the good of the global working glass. He might be the next foreign secretary! After all he only just missed out on getting onto one of six different 5-9 person shortlists to stand as a Labour MP in various constituancies. He’s a valuable and important political operater, which is why the Labour leadership respected him too much not to beg him to please not go canvassing and campaigning in Islington North for fear that he’d make it too easy for them to get rid of Corbyn and they’d look vindictive when all they wish him is the best. And even if you’re one of these too cool for school jaded fake online leftists that doesn’t believe in ‘electoralism’ (i.e. power) then he’s once again about to prove his lifelong anti-fascist credentials by putting the hard questions to our brave comrades from the Ukrainian military who spend every day of this conflict on the front lines of the defense industry convention circuit, like ‘what’s your favourite Putin meme’ and ‘what’s your favourite memory from your time in Tornado Battalion?’ Time to grow up, be more like him, and do some actual real political praxis.
