MuinteoirSaoirse [she/her]

  • 1 Post
Joined 3 months ago
Cake day: June 17th, 2024

  • Aside from the fact that the overwhelming majority of sexual violence is committed against Muslim people in Europe (primarily by policing and border control agents) and that in general most sexual violence is a result of intimate partner violence regardless of a person’s cultural or religious background, there’s something so weirdly insidious about being angry about Muslim men “bringing sexual violence” to Europe when you look at the overwhelming centuries of European soldiers bringing sexual violence to the Muslim world.

    Anyway, I have a lot of thoughts on this topic, but I think your request for Muslim feminist perspectives is absolutely the right move. So here’s some recommendations, and I’ve added a bit of a focus on Palestine since you mentioned they were sympathetic to Palestinian liberation (including queer perspectives, which is intrinsically tied to feminism):

    Do Muslim Women Need Saving? - Lila Abu-Lughod (this one specifically addresses interventionist Western “feminism”)

    Greater Than the Sum of Our Parts: Feminism, Inter/Nationalism, and Palestine - Nada Elia (look at feminist movements in Palestine, and the women’s intifada)

    Palestinian Women’s Activism: Nationalism, Secularism, Islamism - Islah Jad

    Strange Encounters: Embodied Others in Post-Coloniality - Sara Ahmed (this is about the way that culture creates the stranger, and touches on exactly the issue you’re dealing with: a repetition of myth-building about the dangers of a specific out-group. I also recommend a lot of Sara Ahmed’s other books, like Living a Feminist Life, Uprootings/Regroundings: Questions of Home and Migration, Differences That Matter: Feminist Theory and Post-modernism).

    Queer Palestine and the Empire of Critique - Saed Atshan

    Terrorist Assemblages: Homonationalism in Queer Times - Jasbir Puar (examination of the leveraging of “progressive” Western values in creating the terrorist body subject to Western violence and dehumanization, and how “feminism” was used as a primary tool in the wars on Iraq and Afghanistan)

    Embodying Geopolitics: Generations of Women’s Activism in Egypt, Jordan, and Lebanon - Nicola Pratt

    Gender and Sexuality in Muslim Cultures - Gul Ozyegin

    Islamic Homosexualities: Culture, History, and Literature - Stephen O. Murray and Will Roscoe (kind of an old ethnography, but interesting nonetheless)

    Gender and Colonialism: A Psychological Analysis of Oppression and Liberation - Geraldine Moane

    Good Muslim, Bad Muslim: America, the Cold War, and the Roots of Terror - Mahmood Mamdani (this one isn’t about feminism, but rather about the way that Islamaphobia has been inserted throughout western society and the shaping of western discourse on Islam. Mamdani has a lot of great books)

    Anti-Veiling Campaigns in the Muslim World: Gender, Modernism, and the Politics of Dress - Stephanie Cronin

    Veiled Sentiments: Honor and Poetry in a Bedouin Society - Lila Abu-Lughod (this one is more about getting to know the cultural feelings of womanhood in bedouin society)

    Writing Women’s Worlds: Bedouin Stories - Lila Abu-Lughod

    Militarization and Violence Against Women in Conflict Zones in the Middle East: A Palestinian Case Study - Nadera Shalhoub-Kevorkian (This one is about the weaponization of sexual violence, which is an important piece of understanding how the West are the largest perpetrators of sexual violence against Muslim women, not Muslim men)

    Israel/Palestine and the Queer International - Sarah Schulman

    Even a Freak Like You Would Be Safe in Tel-Aviv: Transgender Subjects, Wounded Attachments, and the Zionist Economy of Gratitude - Saffo Papantonopoulou (quick essay on how Israeli “progressiveness” is leveraged to oppress queer Palestinians and pinkwash Israeli violence)

    Border & Rule: Global Migration, Capitalism, and the Rise of Racist Nationalism - Harsha Walia (not specifically what you were asking for, but has a lot of great information about how militarized borders are one of the largest vectors for sexual violence against women; anyone arguing about keeping certain people from immigrating is, de facto, arguing for supporting the funding of militarized borders to keep those people out, and thus adding to the amount of sexual violence)

  • First, I would recommend not taking parenting advice from people jumping in who are clearly not parents, and also who seem like they have never been around children since they themselves were children judging by the harsh way they talk about them.

    I’m not sure the exact age range we’re talking about, but it seems like we’re looking at elementary-school students, so the fact that people are coming out swinging with insults and promotion of violence is deeply troubling. I’m not sure about the country either, but wherever it is it seems quite likely that the teachers themselves are overworked, underfunded, and provided little to no support for actually addressing problems like this.

    It’s fantastic that you are already open to considering what this other child is going through and aren’t immediately seeking to villainize him: what a lot of people don’t realize, and what a lot of schools aren’t equipped to handle, is that learning disabilities often present with behavioural issues. Without the proper resources, this becomes a difficult situation for everyone involved.

    Now, as you rightly pointed out, the school likely has little they can do for this child whether the behaviour stems from issues at home, from an unaddressed learning disability, whatever. There are countless reasons that could lead to this, but very little that can be done to solve it the way our current system sets kids up to fail.

    I normally wouldn’t bother with this preamble, as none of it relates to your parenting, but it’s pretty unnerving to see a bunch of people promoting violence among children. As the adults that should obviously not be something we encourage. I am not against teaching self-defense, of course, but self-defense does not come from actively escalating conflict. In fact, good self-defense also teaches de-escalation.

    Your child’s safety is important. You need to assess whether this is a pattern: you described an incident (or potentially two incidents) in a very short time period. Do you know if this is an escalation of previous conflict? Do you know if anything triggered this escalation? Is there conflict with other children?

    What methods does the teacher use to de-escalate conflict? Are there opportunities to make amends?

    Depending on their age: are the children likely to be together unsupervised? Are they likely to be together outside of the classroom at all? These can help you gauge what the actual risk potential is.

    And most importantly: how does your child actually feel? Do they feel targeted? Are they scared of this classmate? Is it possible that your anger about the incident is colouring your child’s reaction? It’s very easy to get lost in “parental protection” that places your own feelings and desires for your child’s welfare above the things your child thinks and feels about their welfare. They were the one present. They were the one hit. They are the one interacting with their classmate. What do they want?

    These aren’t questions I’m looking for an answer to, they’re questions you need to ask to figure out the best way to keep your child safe. An important part of a child’s growth is providing them with an established support system where they feel safe to talk to you when conflicts arise: not because you necessarily have all the answers, but because you will let their feelings be what matters, and not swallow them with your own feelings. With your support, you can help your child navigate coming to their own conclusions about what would be a good solution going forward (is that avoiding the other student? is it learning to de-escalate or to recognize triggers? is it just…making up because it was a one-off thing and not a real pattern of bullying?).

    As a parent it feels like you have to be able to swoop in and protect your child from the world, but most importantly is helping your child learn to face (or know when to walk away from) conflict so that they have the self-confidence to overcome friction with others on their own (and finding the help of adults/others is definitely still in the toolkit of “on their own,” because in a community we are never truly alone).

  • I sort of fell into it by accident. I am the education coordinator for a small grassroots org, and as part of that I started volunteering as a tutor at a local nonprofit that teaches adult literacy. Then that nonprofit started piloting a programme to help adults get their high school diplomas (a thing that no other organization in the city helps with, and until recently was impossible for anyone over the age of 25 as they were considered to have aged out of the high school system). I tutored through the pilot year, and started helping with curriculum stuff, so when the educational authority approved the programme permanently and decided they wanted to roll it out everywhere, this nonprofit became the only place in the city adults can get their diplomas. They contracted me after that to help build the curriculum, and I’ve been working on that and with students ever since.

    So basically: if you’re already in education, I recommend looking into whatever organizations in your area actually provide supports for adults attempting to learn. These organizations tend to be overlooked even more than the school districts, and while early childhood education and adult education are not the same, many of the skills are transferable, and a desire to actually be there is already a huge point in your favour. Lots of schools offer certifications (distance courses, diploma additions, professional development) that you can do to bridge the gap in your credentials if necessary, though depending on the organizations needs, that is not always essential to have upfront.

  • I can’t say whether this would be a good decision for you to make, and I doubt anyone here could.

    However, if education is something you’re passionate about, I might recommend looking into adult education to see if it’s right for you.

    I love my job. It’s hard. It’s emotionally difficult. My students have been failed by society at every level: they are in prisons, they live in tents, they are parents, they are addicts, they have learning disabilities, they are adults who cannot read full sentences or do basic arithmetic. They are people who have had every opportunity taken from them, but they are showing up, not because parents are forcing them to, but because they want to learn and grow.

    Also, there is much less oversight about curriculum, so I have been able to build a curriculum that favours abolitionist viewpoints (which resonates, obviously, with many of my students who have been criminalized since childhood), Indigenous perspectives, queer ideas, and even Marxist teachings. Who will stop me? The schoolboards truly do not give a shit about these people and have already given up on them, and the educational authority of the state (not being specific so as not to dox myself) is not willing to invest the time and resources into actually providing and enforcing guidelines on my curriculum.

    What I do is heartbreaking, and tiring, and deeply rewarding. I just helped a woman get her high school diploma in her eighties, who was a grandmother that believed dropping out of school to work and raise her kids had meant that she would never have that opportunity.

    Not trying to proselytize, but education is truly such a powerful part of growing communities, and so if you have a feeling that it might be for you, it’s at least worth looking into.

  • The West doesn’t even have “not being arrested on sight” if you’re racialized. Black trans women get arrested on sight for presumptive involvement in sex work so much that they say they got picked up for “walking while trans.”

    “In one American study, the largest-ever survey of transgender and gender non-conforming people, 41 percent of Black trans women reported having been arrested or jailed because of their gender identity” - Robyn Maynard, Policing Black Lives

    It’s even worse if you’re found with condoms on your person, that becomes “evidence” that you are engaged in sex work. So trans sexuality is inherently criminalized, as of course no one would choose to have sex with trans people if it wasn’t some sort of illegal transaction.

    Truly the amount that economically secure, educated white queers are disconnected from the realities of further marginalized queer people domestically is astounding, and the fact that this disconnect allows them to position whatever colonial monstrosity they call home as being more “progressive” than the victims of imperialism that they castigate as being queerphobic is endlessly frustrating. But of course, having a vector of oppression such as queerness is seen to render them as pure victim, as completely divorced from the way they personally participate in and benefit from imperialism. As if queerness can wash away the blood that stains our hands.

    Endlessly tired of imperial core queer “solidarity” being based around nebulous demands for “human rights” that, to no one’s surprise, often results in siding with the state against its enemies because they’re just so backwards while people in the core are languishing in jail/detention centres and those queers abroad that are supposedly in need of saving get delivered aid missiles and IMF austerity.

  • I love to recommend books, and so here is a smattering of books about Ireland from a variety of subjects and perspectives (largely focused on feminism as per my area of study).

    Celtic Heritage: Ancient Tradition in Ireland and Wales, Alwyn and Brinley Rees

    Gender and Sexuality in Modern Ireland, Anthony Bradley, Maryann Gialanella Valiulis

    LGBTQ Visibility, Media and Sexuality in Ireland, Páraic Kerrigan

    Outsiders Inside: Whiteness, Place and Irish Women, Bronwen Walter

    Ireland and the Magdalene Laundries: A Campaign for Justice, Claire McGettrick, Katherine O’Donnell, Maeve O’Rourke, James M. Smith, Mari Steed

    The Poor Bugger’s Tool: Irish Modernism, Queer Labor, and Postcolonial History, Patrick R. Mullen

    Philosophical Perspectives on Contemporary Ireland, Clara Fischer, Áine Mahon

    Women and the Irish Nation: Gender, Culture, and Irish Identity 1890–1914, D. A. J. MacPherson

    Positioning Gender and Race in (Post)colonial Plantation Space: Connecting Ireland and the Caribbean, Eve Walsh Stoddard

    Queer Performance and Contemporary Ireland: Dissent and Disorientation, Fintan Walsh

    Gender and Colonialism: A Psychological Analysis of Oppression and Liberation, Geraldine Moane

    Dedication and Leadership: Learning from the Communists, Hyde Douglas

    The Irish Novel at the End of the Twentieth Century: Gender, Bodies, and Power, Jennifer M. Jeffers

    Contemporary Irish and Welsh Women’s Fiction: Gender, Desire and Power, Linden Peach

    Literature, Partition, and Nation-State: Culture and Conflict in Ireland, Israel and Palestine, Joe Cleary

    Weaving Transnational Solidarity, Katherine O’Donnell

    Palgrave Advances in Irish History, Katherine O’Donnell, Mary McAuliffe, Leeann Lane

    Sapphists and Sexologists: Histories of Sexualities, Mary McAuliffe (not specifically Irish, but by an Irish author and it does explore lesbian desire in colonial Ireland)

    Trad Nation: Gender, Sexuality, and Race in Irish Traditional Music, Tes Slominski

    The James Connolly Reader, Shaun Harkin, James Connolly, Mike Davis (a great collection of Connolly’s works including a few that are out of print or hard to find elsewhere, like Labour in Irish History though I think that’s not so hard to get anymore with eBooks)

    Revolutionary Works, Seamus Costello

    A Literary History of Ireland, Hyde Douglas

    Myths and Folklore of Ireland, Jeremiah Curtin

    Early Irish Literature, Myles Dillon (also The Cycles of Kings and Irish Sagas)

    Celtic Women: Women in Celtic Society and Literature, Peter Beresford Ellis

    A Brief History of the Celts, Peter Beresford Ellis (also The Druids and Celtic Myths and Legends and A Dictionary of Irish Mythology)

    Fairy Legends and Traditions of the South of Ireland, Thomas Crofton Croker

    If you’re looking for someone who is doing some really interesting scholarship on Irish indigeneity, coalition building with colonized Indigenous people globally, and preserving/resurrecting obscure and regional Irish-language terms and idioms, I recommend Manchán Magan.

  • Ali Kadri’s The Accumulation of Waste: A Political Economy of Systemic Destruction explores exactly such an economic model. He expands on the theory of waste as the primary commodity of neoliberal capital order in China’s Path to Development: Against Neoliberalism and also its function as the driving force of imperial wars of encroachment in Imperialism With Reference to Syria and Arab Development Denied: Dynamics of Accumulation by Wars of Encroachment.

    I cannot recommend his work enough in understanding the way that imperialism under neoliberalism uses the production of waste as its primary mode of accumulation. War and destruction are often seen as the consequences of accumulation by resource theft, but Kadri posits that the waste itself is the commodity and resource theft is a secondary (although still desired and lucrative) goal in war. By de-reproducing labour, that is to say, by collapsing the labour time and resources necessary in reproducing labour to a single moment of liquidation, the entire value of that commodified labour is extracted at one go.

    Destruction is not a byproduct of war, destruction is the product of war, and the accumulation of wealth through waste production is an explosive industry with massive profits–and without the drawback of any value being clawed back by labour in their need to reproduce their class. It is the ultimate end of commodified “thingification” (objectification) of labour.

  • Exactly! Coalitional terminology can be very powerful in building cohesive movements and cross-boundary solidarity, but can serve as a bit of a double-edged sword and lead to a glossing over (or even erasure) of the rich cultural differentiation within (Julia Serrano talks a bit about this in Excluded: Making Feminist and Queer Movements More Inclusive, and Viviane K. Namaste’s Invisible Lives: The Erasure of Transsexual and Transgendered People has some really great insights about this, and addresses–in a Canadian context–the way that the dominant trans discourse in Canada is english and thus Canadian legislative and organizational initiatives often reinforce an english framework of transgender that seeks to supplant french transsexualité)

    Editing to add: if I’m remembering correctly, Leslie Feinberg’s Trans Liberation: Beyond Pink or Blue talks very specifically about the difficulties in forming those coalitional ties in American organizing between trans people and gay people, and the struggle to get gender minorities and sexual minorities to see their oppression and liberation as intrinsically linked.

  • This was more about queerness in a broader sense (the survey in the article also covered sexual minorities as well as gender minorities). The article lumps sexual and gender minorities together throughout (LGBTQ) and so I was addressing sexual and gender discrimination as a whole as well. I know the title was specifically about transphobia, but there was nothing specifically about gender identity separate from sexual orientation in the article itself, aside from saying trans people were the most discriminated against.

    I will also add: there actually are cultural contexts in which “gender identity” is an act, meaning the gender role is, quite literally, the role that is currently being engendered, and not an intrinsic/total way of being, but that wasn’t specifically what I was addressing, I just kept it as broad as the source material I was replying to.

  • I have a few things I would like to reply with here, but I want to start with assuring you that no part of my analysis is meant as any kind of personal attack on individual queer people; I realize this can be a sensitive topic and at times that can cause people to feel defensive about discussions, but what I wrote about is western hegemony not individual western queers. I’m sorry for any feelings of invalidation you may feel.

    Secondly, I will say that there is an implication in your response that I am somehow “outside” of the discussion. That is to say, you imply that you are “actual queer” and that I am not and thus have no place to speak about “actual queers.” I’m not sure what led to this assumption, but it’s nowhere in my text, and any quick follow-up showing the sheer amount I study and recommend queer theory (in this thread and elsewhere) should serve as at least a rudimentary hint that I am very much “inside” the discussion, and don’t appreciate your implication that I have no place to make this analysis.

    Now, as to your point: when discussing cultural hegemony, the intentions and the desires of the individual are quite literally immaterial: it doesn’t matter what individual queer people intend with their language. The hegemonic institutions of western imperialism are pervasive and invasive, and whether a settler intends to participate in the perpetuation of hegemony or not is irrelevant to the fact that the settler inevitably and inescapably does participate in it. From the innocuous application of english identifiers to other cultures (like claiming that hijra, or two-spirit, or travesti, or transsexuelles are transgender) to outright purposeful queer imperialism. It doesn’t matter, it all lends to the weight of the cultural hegemony of the english colonial world.

    Even within english itself there are hegemonic ideals of queer identity that get reified through repetition: it is no individual’s fault, it is just the way that structures of hegemony function. This is how the word transsexual fell out of vogue, how fairy, dyke and transvestite became relics to mainstream queer theory. And that mainstream is led by white academics and the media apparatus of the bourgeoisie, like it or not.

    I also have to disagree with your statement that “literally no gay person in the west does that.” Queer media (including posts in this very forum) are rife with discussions of the coming out narrative, and in the western queer lexicon someone is gay, for instance. Homosexuality is not an act, it is a way of being. That’s not a value judgement, it’s just the way that gayness works in the mainstream (hegemonic) western english culture. The identity tags, while they may matter to varying degrees and for varying reasons to different individuals, do serve the purpose in the mainstream culture of informing a reading of a person’s every action, whether we desire it or not. If a trans artist writes a song, that becomes a trans song. For example: look at UGLY DEATH NO REDEMPTION ANGEL CURSE I LOVE YOU by Ada Rook. The first song on the album, “im cis” quite literally says “i say none of my songs are about being trans” and yet the first review published about the album spoke about it being a trans album. (Backxwash has talked about this as well, that her album was largely about immigrant experience, racism, and suicidal ideation, but every article about her when she won the Juno was about “Trans Musician Backxwash.”)

    On the other hand, plenty of queer people, whether enthusiastically, reluctantly, ironically, or earnestly, contribute to discussions/memes/discourse about being gay or being trans or whatever other label. Again, this is not a value judgement, it is just a thing that I have personally observed and studied (and participated in, because, as I said, the way hegemony works is we are all implicated to varying degrees). It’s not inherently a bad thing (and can even be affirming for the participant), but that does mean that the hegemony is continuing to be reasserted. And the real problem is when it gets applied cross-culturally without introspection.

    To take it to the way anglo hegemony works: whether you desire it or not, english is the language of the global hegemon. When you use it, when you translate cultural ideas and feelings into english, you are participating in the spread of that hegemony. Things that exist in non-english cultural contexts necessarily undergo transformation to be translated into english to be understood by an english audience. That’s the very nature of translation. However, because of the imbalance in power between english (as the colonial language of the global hegemon) and other languages, this is by its very nature a translation that serves to further cultural hegemony.

    The point, I suppose, is that settlers perpetuate hegemony whether they wish to or not, whether they are victims of that hegemony or not, and that goes for queer settlers too. (the colonized perpetuate hegemony too, that is its nature, to become instantiated in the society such that it is self-reproducing)

  • Aside from the way NGOs are often part of a larger complex of foreign intervention, even to take them at face value as attempting to “help” is to buy into an imperialist narrative. It is one of white saviorism, that pushes a hegemonic anglo ideal of queer identity. The idea that there is some inherent “community” between queer people in distinct and discrete cultural milieus is abjectly ahistorical: queer identities are products of the cultural contexts in which they come to exist, and so colonial queer institutions at their most innocent are still trying to spread a domineering hegemony of queerness.

    What it is to engage in same-sex desires, what it is to adopt different gender roles: these are not translatable from one cultural context to the next, but in western media/political landscapes it is only by adhering to a specific set of (largely white, middle class, and english) identities can “queerness” be liberated. Which is especially egregious considering how deftly colonialism introduced much of the global systems of discrimination in play today, and strives even now to subsume and erase a multitude of identities both within the imperial core and without. Not to mention the blatant hypocrisy at feigning some higher state of social progression in the west when that is felt only by the economically secure, educated white class of queers.

    Just as colonial authorities sought to prescribe universal and immutable identities of “man” and “woman” (which included the act of penile-vaginal intercourse as inherent gender markers) and to vilify all that fell without, queer colonial authorities now seek to prescribe immutable categories of “gay” and “trans” that are completely illegible in most cultural contexts.

    For specific and concrete examples of NGOs acting as insidious cultural dominators, I recommend Adnan Hossein’s Beyond Emasculation: Pleasure and Power in the Making of hijra in Bangladesh. In the latter half of the book, Hossein addresses the way western NGOs brought trans identity into conflict with hijra lived experiences, and created conflict between those who existed in the cultural context of hijra, and those who now sought to conform to the cultural context of trans. One of the main ways this conflict is perpetuated is by tying international and domestic funding to NGOs that operate with western ideas of LGBT, and thus force Bangladeshi people to vie for recognition and legitimacy under western frameworks that are irreconcilable with many hijra practices and identifiers.

  • Felt bad about not including some books in this post–I always like to recommend further reading when I can–so I came back to this thread after finishing dinner when I can crack open my library.

    China’s Path to Development: Against Neoliberalism, Ali Kadri is a great look at the functions of imperialism as a waste-commodity producing system, and Chinese economic development in the face of neoliberal wars of encroachment. (The Accumulation of Waste: A Political Economy of Systemic Destruction is where the theory is most strongly laid out, but the one I recommended gives a decent overview and really hones in on China’s refusal of the world neoliberal order.)

    For a look at some more cultural explorations of queer identity in China (including Taiwan, which is more accepting of queer people than much of mainland China) from a variety of perspectives both critical and supportive of the CPC:

    Transgender China, Howard Chiang

    Conditional Spaces: Hong Kong Lesbian Desires and Everyday Life, Denise Tse-Shang Tang

    Oral History of Older Gay Men in Hong Kong: Unspoken but Unforgotten, Travis S. K. Kong

    Tongzhi: Politics of Same-Sex Eroticism in Chinese Societies, Chou Wah-shan

    Tongzhi Living: Men Attracted to Men in Postsocialist China, Tiantian Zheng

    Queer TV China: Televisual and Fannish Imaginaries of Gender, Sexuality, and Chineseness, Jamie J. Zhao

    Queer/Tongzhi China: New Perspectives on Research, Activism and Media Cultures, Elisabeth L. Engebretsen, William F. Schroeder, Hongwei Bao

    Queer China: Lesbian and Gay Literature and Visual Culture Under Postsocialism, Hongwei Bao

    Queer Comrades 2018: Gay Identity and Tongzhi Activism in Postsocialist China, Hongwei Bao

    Queer Media in China, Hongwei Bao

    Boys’ Love, Cosplay, and Androgynous Idols: Queer Fan Cultures in Mainland China, Hong Kong, and Taiwan, Maud Lavin, Ling Yang, Jing Jamie Zhao

    Maid to Queer: Asian Labor Migration and Female Same-Sex Desires, Francisca Yuenki Lai

    Queer Politics and Sexual Modernity in Taiwan, Hans Tao-Ming Huang

    Chinese Femininities/Chinese Masculinities: A Reader, Susan Brownell, Jeffrey N. Wasserstrom, Thomas Laqueur is a good background on a lot of the strict gender roles and their historical context that is at play.

    Gender Policy and HIV in China: Catalyzing Policy Change, Dr. Qiang Ren, Prof. Baochang Gu, Prof. Xioayin Zheng (this one is more a policy analysis, but gives a lot of insight into sexual policy in China, especially in regards to sex work (which has traditionally been on the fringes of “queer” sexual theorizing).

    A Society Without Fathers or Husbands: the Na of China, Cai Hua (not traditionally “queer” per LGBT theorizing, but the Na are a culture in the Himalayan region that practice communal child rearing, which has historically been attacked by Christian colonial missionaries in Turtle Island and abroad as a perverse and “queer” family form that very much falls outside of the cisheteronormative social structure).

  • The framing of this survey is already based on an American anglocentric cultural ideal of what it means to be “LGBTQ.” When examining queer rights and identities abroad, it’s essential to not fall prey to hegemonic California queer theory that posits queer liberation involves a universal “coming out” and an acceptance of specific, english identifiers in society.

    As Foucault theorized, even in English society the creation of the “homosexual” as an identity, rather than act, is already a relatively recent development. There are countless cultural milieus in which queerness is performed by entirely different standards than those that are accepted by the “progressive west,” and many of those cultural milieus don’t revolve around a specific coming out narrative or concretized “lifestyles” arrayed by identity tag like in western english “LGBTQ” movements.

    The essential markers of queer liberation are legal protections–which the PRC ensures; medical protections–which the PRC ensures; employment protections–which the PRC ensures; economic protections–which the PRC ensures; food security–which the PRC ensures; housing–which the PRC ensures; and safety–which the PRC ensures.

    Now what is ensured legally and what plays out in practice are very different–for instance, though HRT is covered in many urban centres, those in smaller cities or in outlying rural provinces struggle to find doctors accepting of gender diversity. This gets worse as people come to expect specific western promises of queer liberation (that, I may add, few western nations ever deliver on themselves). The PRC is still a widely rural and socially conservative (by western standards that don’t consider things like food and shelter to be socially progressive) nation, however there is direct evidence that with an improvement in economic conditions within different precincts in the PRC has come a relative increase in the social acceptance of LGBTQ family members and a diminishing of social discrimination.

    Queer liberation will not come from pink imperialism, it will come from the emancipation of the impoverished masses, something the PRC is at the forefront of: since the 90s, 60% of all eradicated poverty globally has been China.

    Edited to add: here is a paper you can read specifically about the increase in queer acceptance as income increases. China isn’t perfect by a long shot, but by ensuring their ability to lift the quality of life of their people, by staving off imperialist aggression, they are already doing more for queer people than most places. Is there gay marriage? No, but with increased acceptance that will likely come with time, and if I’m being honest I have a lot of negative things to say about how gay marriage was leveraged in the west to defang a much more vibrant movement for queer rights and fold a large portion of people into the status quo and away from their radical coalition with feminists attacking the institution of marriage itself.