Carney put him in a corner til he behaves, and there in that corner, he’s alternately trying to kiss up to Carney and utter on about invasion. We can add oppositional defiance disorder to what makes him tick.
Carney put him in a corner til he behaves, and there in that corner, he’s alternately trying to kiss up to Carney and utter on about invasion. We can add oppositional defiance disorder to what makes him tick.
Bare Naked Ladies’, Lovers In A Dangerous Time is a constant earworm. Especially the line, “We’re gonna kick at the darkness til it bleeds daylight.” That’s how I’m feeling.
One just needs to look at Germany of the 1930s to understand how it happens. It was a time of great disparity between the rich and the poor the latter, who were desperate for leadership, who might relieve them of their very real hunger. And the nazi party delivered on that promise.
We are in a time of great disparity between the rich and poor. And, for decades, jobs for working folks have been shipped abroad to countries where slave labour is legal. The American dream, or Canadian for that matter, is becoming possible to attain–even for the middle class.
But America’s poor are in a desperate situation. In that desperation, they chose poorly. Added to that is the fact that they have a very limited and shame-based social safety net. There are fewer chances to earn an honourable wage.
Add to that, I think a majority of maga faithful are Southern, many of which hang on to a time when enslavement made them rich and proud. They’ve never let that go. The disappearance of a working wage and Democrats clear disdain of them all contributed to what’s happening today.
We could learn from that and not allow people to become so desperate. I don’t know what to do about the more dangerous racist and lgbtq+ phobia in places like Alberta. I know that not everyone in Alberta is that way. But there is a significantly greater number of adherents there than perhaps other provinces.
Because of changing technology and this trend for allowing the use of slave-like labour in other countries, we need to look at more socialist policies for our own population. Jean Cretien wanted to introduce a basic universal income, but it wasn’t accepted then. I believe we really need to revisit it now.
Restaurant adjacent: Beavertails. Second Cup. Purdy’s. Laura Secord.
As you radiate away from big urban centers, there tends to be a stronger conservative population. Now, we do have a charter of rights and freedoms that protect you. So you won’t be denied services but how those services are delivered you may be less friendly.
Saying that, there are pockets of rural Canada that are very liberal. I haven’t been back to Gravenhurst in a dog’s age, and much may have changed there. If you are set on it, perhaps plan a trip to try it out first before moving your belongings.
If you are set on a more rural location, you might try the small towns surrounding Ottawa. My husband (f2m) and I have lived in this region for over 15 years and haven’t experienced anything off. A real challenge may be in finding a gp. But even more so in Gravenhurst, I think. But if you are close to big urban centers, you can find a walk-in clinic until you find a doctor who is accepting patients. And it will probably be easier to find work.
If you haven’t sorted out what visa you are coming in on, you should probably get onto it.
Carney is doing his due diligence.
We don’t want their dairy…
We have them pretty much everywhere, but the greatest concentration are in Alberta and probably Saskatchewan. They are pretty emboldened atm as you would imagine. They did a convoy in our capital. But they relied on US maga funds to make it happen. So, as yours run the US economically into the ground, they’ll be losing their backer.
He’s a whiny class bully.
Gravenhurst is north of Toronto, but to Northerners, it’s not the north. I have not been back in decades, but you will find people to be more conservative in their outlook.
Such horse hockey.
I would truly welcome membership in the EU. As far as the military is concerned, being all for one is something is very much in keeping with most Canadian’s feelings when it comes to our allies. On another post a European person declared that Canadians are the Golden Retrievers of the world!