• 7 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 13th, 2023


  • To be fair, this assumption didn’t come from nowhere. This was based on existing hunter/gatherer communities. From this interview on it:

    “This is the period starting roughly 200,000 years ago when we first emerged as a species that ended about 9,000 years ago when humans started to develop agriculture and settlements. But all over the world, there have been a fair number of people in remote areas who still live this foraging life, and so scholars have looked to them as a sort of window into humanity’s past. Anthropologists would go live with them, produce detailed reports, and the sense was that all these accounts pointed to men mainly hunting and women mainly gathering with occasional exceptions.”

    While this aspect is pure speculation on my part, it also likely fit the culture’s perception of women back when the original “men hunt, women gather” hypothesis came out, people tend to want to believe what fits their worldview.

  • Honestly I never truly understood the appeal of cryptocurrency in general.

    If you want to make an anonymous deal, cold hard cash gets the job done and doesn’t have nearly as poor of an environmental impact. I guess if you really want to make sure online purchases are anonymous then it can be hard to do that with cash, but unless you are buying something blatantly illegal that shouldn’t be too large of a concern (at least if you are in a first world country). The whole “decentralized” currency argument also falls pretty flat when some of the top used cryptocurrencies are not decentralized (Tether, Usd Coin).

    Cryptocurrency feels less like an innovation to fit a need, and more like somebody created something cool as a concept and tried to figure out a use case after the fact.

  • While I can’t speak to the mental health mentioned in this post, I used to read all the time, but by the time high school years hit that dwindled and I could barely read a chapter without wanting to do something else. I think that social media really took a toll on my attention span (though I can’t prove that).

    What helped me was making a book club with some friends of mine! When I had a deadline in place where if I didn’t finish chapters at a set time (otherwise I wouldn’t be able to properly have a conversation about it with them) that really helped motivate me. This also had the added benefit of exposing me to books I wouldn’t normally read (this is how I was introduced to House of Leaves). I still don’t dive deep into a book as easily as I used to, but it has been improving and like anything else just generally comes with practice.