Ex-egg. Turns out wishing you were a girl does work.

  • 15 Posts
Joined 2 months ago
Cake day: July 2nd, 2024


  • I guess I’ve been having thoughts of “if I was a girl…” or “if I was trans…” for as long as I can remember. Definitely had a few times of “please let me wake up as a girl tomorrow” when I was 12/13 or so, but I got quite good a suppressing that. The “if…” thoughts were fine, of course, since I clearly wasn’t trans or a girl…

    Fast forward to about six weeks before my 40th birthday; following quite a few trans women online and starting to question my gender. But since I’m perfectly happy being cis, that’s fine, no problem. I’ll be an Ally.

    Two weeks or so pass, start looking at egg_irl. A day or two later, everything comes crashing down and it’s panic time. That lasts a few days and now I know: I’m a trans girl, and I want to transition. Came out to my family, started growing my hair, painting my nails, buying neutral-to-fem clothes etc. Stopped wearing obviously masc-coded stuff pretty much right away (even when going out). Made appointments for laser and HRT consultation.

    About six weeks later, research indicates the doctor is probably going to make me wait 6 months to a year for HRT, so I order DIY. That arrives two weeks later (yesterday), and here we are.

    Not using new pronouns or name yet, but I feel that might happen fairly soon.

  • Waiting…

    … for my hair to get long enough for even a short feminine cut. I don’t really feel like wearing a wig, but I guess I might try a cute headscarf.

    … to lose weight. I’m going about as fast as I safely can, and it’s noticeable, but there’s still a lot to go.

    … for hair removal. Seeing the effects already, but gotta wait at least a month between appointments.

    … for hormones. First appointment in six weeks or so. At least there’s DIY as a fallback.

    But! I’m out to my family, and my immediate coworkers (I work from home anyway). So I can wear what I want, practice my voice and makeup, and things are good. I don’t wear anything more boyish than women’s jeans and a semi-fitted T-shirt (OK, fairly neutral), and I guess I’ll just tell anyone who asks. Just wish I could see in the mirror how I feel.

  • Had a nice long chat with the wife. Basically explaining the story so far, all those obvious-in-hindsight things. Talked about how I want to start HRT, and what that will entail. She’s cool with it becoming a same-sex marriage, and went as far as to say “I know you’re not the type to fool around, but if you decide you like men instead, that’s OK with me”.

    Since coming out things have been noticeably friendlier (not in a euphemistic way, just actually talking about stuff in a warmer tone). Which is surprising, but I’ll take it!

    Things might all turn out OK after all. ☺️

  • That’s a very good way to put it; I know exactly what you mean. (There should be PSAs on TV for this kind of thing: hey, kids! If you experience this, you’re probably trans!)

    I’ve always (until very recently, of course) really hated buying clothes. One of the factors leading up to my egg-crack was my wife (justifiably) nagging me that my clothes were all falling apart and I really needed to get some new ones. She even very kindly offered to order some for me online. But I just… couldn’t. The idea of buying and wearing this stuff wasn’t something I could recognize in myself. And, at last, I realized that there might be something bigger going on.

  • Oh yeah, same here. I had my first session last week - they gave me the anesthetic cream for free because I paid up front. Gosh, this must really hurt, thinks me, starting to get worried because there wasn’t time to put it on before starting. The lady kept stopping and asking if I could stand the pain, but it didn’t hurt at all (the SMELL though…). That made me worry the laser wasn’t working on my hair (I’m dirty blonde, although my facial hair is a bit darker).

    I can still see the shadow, but shaving this morning there was a lot less stubble than usual! There is hope!