If you’re on iOS, feeeed is kinda slick :)
If you’re on iOS, feeeed is kinda slick :)
Yeah, I can’t argue with that, it’s a shame :(
All the more reason to subscribe to independently owned ones if they’re available to keep them afloat :)
No specific recommendations, but I highly recommend following your local news orgs assuming you don’t live in a news desert.
The goal of big news companies is to get clicks for that delicious ad revenue and they don’t care about how predatory that is towards you.
Local news is much more community focused in my experience
If you’re happy with your solution, that’s great!
uv combines a bunch of tools into one simple, incredibly fast interface, and keeps a lock file up to date with what’s installed in the project right now. Makes docker and collaboration easier. Its main benefit for me is that it minimizes context switching/cognitive load
Ultimately, I encourage you to use what makes sense to you tho :)
My way is simple and stupid. I hit F12, then search for “rss” in the html and copy the link