• 4 Posts
Joined 1 年前
Cake day: 2023年6月10日


  • I still haven’t got my head round the cards tbh, it’s a hell of a lot more involved than the mirror. You really do have to think about the build you’re going for, then plan the cards accordingly.

    It’s not like switching Gods Favour on and off on the mirror, you really have to consider what you can live without.

    That said, I’m finding that the effect of limiting your choices has a far greater effect on your gameplay than the mirror did. It’s really interesting.

    I’m not seeing as huge an effect on gameplay with the weapon aspects yet? Outside of maybe one or two which do drastically change it imo. I’m still kind of feeling like that’s more to do with my lack of understanding of the weapons maybe.

  • I’m no therapist but a lot of these worries seem quite reasonable for a long trip with (I’m guessing) people from work, though it sounds like they’re weighing on you a bit.

    Your idea about a therapist is good, might be worth looking at something like Cognitive Behavioural Therapy. That’s more solution focused and can help with addressing a specific issue like “I’m scared of this trip” etc.

    Aside from talking to a professional, you could address some specific parts of the “big worry” in smaller bits. Like, I rarely drive and also get anxious before long trips especially if I’m going somewhere unfamiliar - I know from past experience that I’ll become more comfortable with the drive as I get further into it, but it’s the setting out I get hung up on.

    So I’ll do a couple of things

    • Make an effort to drive around locally a few times close to my actual departure date, just to re-familiarise myself with driving. If you don’t own a car, you could look at booking a couple of refresher driving lessons.

    • Hop on Google maps and do a dry run of the journey on street view. I’m not suggesting you click through every screenshot of a 14hr journey, but I find it helpful to get an overview in my head. Eg. Head out of town towards the next big town, then on towards whatever big city, looks like I’ll have to actually go through a bit of this town so I’ll just have a look on street view to see what it’s like. Etc.

    For the social anxiety bit - that is hard but also remember, you’re the driver and you have a job to do, which is focusing on the road. You’re not there to be the life and soul of the party, leave that to the freeloading passengers! Also, if it’s a work trip, you could find a work related podcast or, even better, put someone else in charge of entertainment.

    Stuff like this can seem overwhelming when looked at all together, but if you can break it down into smaller parts and address those individually, you’re lessening the overall burden.

    Best of luck :)