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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 9th, 2023


  • The operation 1027 was started with Chinese blessings. It was stopped with Chinese intervention. It has now resumed again likely with Chinese blessings. This operation declared 6 objectives at the start : https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Operation_1027 which oddly included eradication of online scam centers and gambling dens on Chinese border. It’s not so odd when this was known to be an irritant to the Chinese and Junta had done nothing about them despite Chinese requests.

    After the ceasefire, the Myanmar Junta was seen carrying out arrests and deportation of gambling and online extortion fraud bosses to China. What are the Chinese objectives this time? Are the Chinese not satisfied with the action taken against online fraud? Is this meant to help Arakan Army make further gains in the west by drawing Junta’s resources away from there? Arakan Army has surrounded the key strategic Chinese project in Arakan - the deep sea port project that will link southwestern China to Indian Ocean providing a much shorter route to Africa, Middle East, Indian and European markets. It’s also meant to create a second “shore” in the less developed more impoverished areas of China. China is playing both sides here. Who do they trust more?

  • I don’t think Giddey straight up is a bad deal for Bulls at all. Caruso is a good role player. Strong defensive guard. Giddey is a tall point guard who is a match up problem with more upside. Bulls have a PG in Ball also. I’m guessing Bulls don’t think Ball is going to be durable EVER in his career. But if he’s available, he and Giddey will play backcourt similar to what OKC had. That’s their future backcourt, which when healthy is not bad.

  • I found this part interesting: ““We were unprepared for that kind of response,” Philippine navy spokesperson Roy Trinidad said in a phone interview on Thursday. “We stuck with the rules of engagement. They were not allowed to use guns except for self defence.””

    So China created the conditions for this kind of confrontation by including non-use of guns in confrontations, similar to its border with India. And then proceeds to create this aggression with swords and spears. Philippines was too naive. China is escalating tensions there, taking things to the edge of sparking a hot war without having one.

  • The author loosely played with the historical facts here.


    “Let’s start with the origins of Myanmar Army. The ethnic composition of the army at independence in 1948 was reflected in its battalions: Burma Rifles, Karen Rifles, Kachin Rifles, Chin Rifles, and Burma Regiment (Gurkhas). These were later grouped into two wings – a first wing composed mainly of ethnic Burmese led by General Ne Win, and a second composed of ethnic minorities (ie, Chin, Kachin, Karen), according to political scientist Zaw Thein. Gradually, General Ne Win purged the ethnic minority leaders when he “restructured” the army. By the time of the 1962 coup, ethnic minorities had gone underground – making way for ethnic Bamar to take over the entire military institution.”

    At the time of the independence, the Burmese guerilla revolutionary army that was formed in Thailand and the British-trained ethnic armed forces from colonial Burma were merged into a single combined armed forces. Remember that they were FOES not long ago. And almost from the outset after independence, the ethnic divisions revolted. Some of the “Burman” guerillas also revolted into various left-wing communist armed guerillas fighting the newly independent country. By 1962 when Ne Win took over in a coup, the country had long been waging a heated civil war for more than 10 years where Rangoon almost fell to Karen guerillas who were the former Karen Rifles.

    There were few Burmans in British colonial police and armed forces. It was mostly comprised of minority ethnic groups as the British did not trust the Burmese but favored the christian ethnic minorities.