Rashav3rak [he/him, any]

  • 3 Posts
Joined 4 years ago
Cake day: July 26th, 2020


  • I think demon-possession stuff can be scary, or at least upsetting. Not so much when horror comes from a possessed person like in The Exorcist, but more like when demons are toying with the minds of mortals, making them unable to trust their own senses. There’s a pretty-good movie no one saw called The Dark and the Wicked (not the greatest title imo) that does this pretty well. Is this person you just met real or was it actually the demon? Was it really them when you first met, and the demon the second time you met? Was it them or was it the demon when you spoke to them on the phone? Or did the demon make you think you were speaking to that person while you were actually speaking to someone else entirely? Were the words coming out of your mouth the same words you heard yourself say? Were you even speaking to anyone at all? It works because the horror comes less from a spooky monster who will kill you, and more from an inability to distinguish reality from illusion.

    In a similar vein, one thing I liked about Hereditary was how the demonic forces were establishing “rules” for the protagonist just to fuck with her. I love the bit when she tries to burn the journal and is set on fire herself. So later on when she tries to get her husband to burn the journal, expecting to burn to death along with it, you’re like “it’s going to turn out that whoever burns the journal also burns, so the husband is going to die.” But when he won’t do it she throws the journal in the fire in frustration and the husband goes up in flames anyway. There are no rules to this. There were never any rules. The demon was just playing with its food.

    So yeah, it’s my opinion that if satanic stuff can tap into fears about losing control and losing your mind, it can be pretty scary.

  • It’s especially weird that companies are still like this after seeing the success of a game like Baldurs Gate 3. The runaway hit of the year, and biggest earner on Steam, doesn’t even implement the basic Steam DRM. I tried it. The game launches and runs just fine when Steam isn’t running at all. It’s so messed up how capitalism leads to that (providing good products at fair prices and respecting your audience) being seen as an “unsustainable business model.”

  • I said something about this the other day, and pretty much everything I’m about to say is off the top of my head and not well thought out, but the fact is there are a million places on the internet to be horny. If I want to go put my filthy mind on display, and ogle the delightfully filthy minds of others, it’s a click away. But a place like this, one that’s extremely left-wing and aggressively protective of trans/queer members (at least that’s what it looks like to me from my years of casual browsing) is not as easy to come by. I admit, I find myself wishing this place were a little bit hornier too sometimes. But then I think about how many people have very good reasons to be uncomfortable with that (not that anyone needs whatever I deem a “good” reason), and I think about how easy it can be for my perceived charming, flirty comments to be someone else’s perceived triggering aggression, and I just think… why fuck up a good thing? Especially when, as someone else pointed out, people can and do talk about sex here. From what I’ve seen, there seem to be a few unwritten, unofficial ground-rules that most people are following:

    • Minimal or no discussion of the “types” of people we’re horny for.

    • Minimal or no directing of horniness towards other users of the site.

    • Keeping discussion of sex focused more on oneself. What I like, what I do, not getting into other people’s business.

    • Not getting too graphic or explicit with the sex talk, avoiding gory details.

    Again, that’s just the way I’ve experienced the site as a casual user, I’m sure other people would have different opinions. It’s hard enough to keep a place like this running smoothly without introducing overt horniness into the mix, and I’m glad that people here manage to keep things mostly respectful without the need for a blanket ban on sexual stuff.

  • Are we squeamish about sex? This place does seem less horny than other online spaces, but like, not because the people on here are prudes or sex-negative. More like people here understand how fast horny-posting can turn into something uncomfortable, or into outright sexual harassment, and in the interest of keeping this place nice, are doing the horny-posting in more appropriate places. I don’t know, I’ve never gotten the impression that hexbear is uncomfortable with sex, or that this place is completely sexless, just that we maintain a respectful distance from it to ensure everyone’s comfort and a minimum of drama