• 22 Posts
Joined 11 months ago
Cake day: August 14th, 2023


  • "Julian Assange can be freed with a phone call. The government can ring up their colleagues in the United Kingdom and say, you know:

    ‘send him home, his visa’s expired and serve the expiration date notice on him. Anything that the United States wants we can handle here’.

    That is a clear possibility."

    “The 13 years we witnessed acquiescence to whatever the United States and the United Kingdom wanted to do to Julian.”

    “All of the people of Australia have bound together and brought into being a meme that spread into government, into parliament, into the congress, that Julian must be returned home. So it’s our congratulations that Anthony Albanese says in Parliament: ‘I see no benefit in this persecution continuing.’ Well he doesn’t say persecution. I’ll help him out there.”

  • "Julian Assange can be freed with a phone call. The government can ring up their colleagues in the United Kingdom and say, you know:

    ‘send him home, his visa’s expired and serve the expiration date notice on him. Anything that the United States wants we can handle here’.

    That is a clear possibility."

    “The 13 years we witnessed acquiescence to whatever the United States and the United Kingdom wanted to do to Julian.”

    “All of the people of Australia have bound together and brought into being a meme that spread into government, into parliament, into the congress, that Julian must be returned home. So it’s our congratulations that Anthony Albanese says in Parliament: ‘I see no benefit in this persecution continuing.’ Well he doesn’t say persecution. I’ll help him out there.”

  • I bet if the govt hadn’t pinched their evidence and it had actually gone to trial, that would have been one of McBride’s arguments; that it wasn’t a lawful order as evidence of murder can’t be classified. But that’s what Dreyfuss’s lackeys did with the approval of the judge.

    How can you have a trial when the relevant evidence in defence is suppressed. You can’t.

  • McBride’s lawyer Davis said outside the court:

    “It was the fatal blow made in conjunction with the decision made a few days ago that limits what we can say to the jury on David’s behalf in terms of what was his duty as an officer was on the oath he took to serve, as we say, the interests of the Australian people.

    Well the ruling was, he doesn’t have a duty to serve the interests of the Australian people. He has a duty to follow orders. That is a very narrow understanding of the law in our view that takes us back really pre-World War II. We all know how military law has been judged since then in terms of compliance to follow orders.

    So facing that reality, we’re limited in terms of what we could put to a jury in term’s of David’s duty … together with the removal of evidence makes it impossible, realistically, to go to trial. It is a sad day and a difficult day for us to advise David on his options this afternoon and he embraced them.”

    McBride said: “I stand tall and I believe I did my duty and I don’t see it as a defeat, I see it as a beginning of a better Australia.”

  • A young and talented photo-journalist, Namir Noor-Eldeen, and his driver, Saeed Chmagh, both Reuters employees, were gunned down by a US Apache on 12 July 2007 in the Al-Amin neighbourhood of eastern Baghdad, along with a number of other people on the street. Saeed was wounded and tried to crawl away, only to be shot dead along with the passer-by who stopped his van to help him. Two children in the vehicle were severely wounded. WikiLeaks revealed what really happened that day when they published the Apache footage in 2010 under the name of Collateral Murder, along with the Rules of Engagement in use at the time. Julian is charged with publishing the Iraq RoE (count 14) but not the video. This means the video won’t be shown in court as evidence. It would presumably be too embarassing to the US government to show the footage in court.

  • Remember Julian Assange is in a high security prison without conviction awaiting extradition to the US where the conditions he will be incarcerated in will be even worse. He will be burried in the prison with no contact to his friends or family while being tried in the ‘espionage court’ where he is charged. The long-term threat of these conditions have amounted to psychological torture, resulting in a medical state that could end his life at any moment. Julian is literally hanging by a thread. His limited contact with his wife and 2 young children are literally his life line. He won’t have that in US prison. This is a matter of life and death. Torturers torture to intimidate. In Julian’s case it is to intimidate everyone else and in particular the press, so they won’t do what he did and expose serious state criminality to the world. The purpose is to avoid accountability and avoid facing justice.