Gaps seem wide enough it if Person really wanted to end it. But I think it’s more about the message that people care about him
Gaps seem wide enough it if Person really wanted to end it. But I think it’s more about the message that people care about him
Houston Texas maybe
Are American schools really that horrible?
Oh I love electron
Buildup is key
(I rather skip the monotone scenes then miss the exciting plot)
Nuclear Winter about to solve climate change /s & If there is nothing left to safe there is no need for any efforts /s
I think there might be better alternatives including less suffering
Cool idea! Maybe you could even fully automate it?
“Für die Analyse hat der Datenspezialist Teralytics für O2 Telefónica die anonymisierten Bewegungsprofile von rund 40 Millionen Handys ausgewertet und auf die Gesamtbevölkerung hochgerechnet.”
Warum sollte O2 einen Datenspezialist beauftragen um zu wissen wie viele Leute Bahn fahren? Warum sollte ein Telekommunikationskonzern dafür Geld ausgeben? Ich dachte sowas nutzt man wenn um mögliche Funklöcher zu stopfen.
Kann man damit so genau feststellen wie die Leute reisen? Ich meine meistens sind die Schienen doch parallel zur Straße. Da müsste man ja schon Zugbewegungen oder so abgleichen
Wäre es nicht einfacher einfach die Zahlen der Bahn bezüglich Ticketkontrollen zu benutzen
Land of the free
Yea you sadly need aws for it…
btw, here is the tutorial:
Counter Strike is pure gambling
Oh that looks cool. I’m a big notion fan but the lack of offline functionality is pure pain when you fly a lot.
Ready to host my own instance
Sounds like communism to request data for free
Enter your phone number to confirm you are not inactive
Mark as deleted and then delete in a big wave would be the usual database way. For example discord deletes messages like that. But as is the data is probably never lost with backups and such
TLDR: AI about to replace writers.
Good work! Keep it up
It’s it’s a feature not a bug.