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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 14th, 2023


  • Sony has a terrible history with making their devices portable to other platforms.

    VR was well established by the time they joined the party, especially by the time v2 came along. It was a decision to ignore integrating with PC protocols when designing their hardware and drivers.

    Sadly, very predictable for Sony. They would rather have poorer sales than to open their devices to be used outside of their platform, and vice versa.

    Nothing has stopped them from making their controllers compatible with PC besides refusal to pay a licensing fee to Microsoft, which must be trivial compared to the increased sales of their standard controllers. Hell, I bought a couple Xbox controllers just I could avoid fucking with 3rd party dual shock drivers every fucking time I tried using them on PC. And I much prefer the Playstation controllers.

  • Exactly it. My libertarian frienemy in one breath will tell you how he bought up a bunch of N95 masks before the lockdown, specifically going against the WHO’s (or was it CDC?) advice to not horde masks back in 2020. Then in the next, he’ll tell you how you’re afraid of life if you wore a mask during the lockdown. And then he went out of his way to make sure his kid was the only kid not required to wear a mask once schools opened up again, forbid his wife from vaccinating their son, etc.

    It had nothing to do with science. He just went against whatever was recommended. For freedums or something.

  • I mean, it kind of follows Marvel’s own historic struggle with continuing stories past their natural conclusion.

    The cinematic MCU had parallel stories of all these different hero plot lines that would intersect in interesting ways. That takes a lot of planning and building, all leading to a single nexus point where it all came together.

    And it felt impactful. All the build up led to an epic intergalactic showdown. Twice.

    Then afterwards, what are you left with? From an MCU standpoint, everyone goes back to their small little slice of the world/galaxy to do their thing, with some cameos of other heroes they befriended along the way.

    To try to bring some level of stakes back, they spiraled down the multiverse paradigm. Just like the comics kind of struggled to make things interesting after the heroes finished their primary arc.

    Add on top of that the real world issues of actor burnout on characters they’ve played for over a decade, and you’re going to have trouble keeping up with expectations.

    There are still things to do. But they’ve burned through the primary material like origin stories and top villian arcs, and the original actors have probably fulfilled their contracts and are probably not that interested in renewing.

  • Yeah. That’s their intent. But they really don’t know for sure that their stunt won’t have some completely unexpected effect. Some slow reaction with that specific kind of stone that only matters if the powder gets deep into some cracks for 200 years or whatever. Or attracts stone eating bacteria of some sort.

    The point is that they dont know what they dont know. Every time they pull one of these stunts, they are introducing the risk of irrevocable damage to historically significant objects that should be left to future generations.

    Stop fucking around with human history. Stone Henge is a world wonder.

  • Wrench@lemmy.worldtomemes@lemmy.worldHe deserves better
    7 days ago

    Superman has always been a bit of a boring character, which IMO is hard to write for to make interesting beyond the origin / coming of age story.

    I think screwing up Batman is a lot more offensive. So much good lore and villians to work with.

    IMO, Affleck played a terrible Fatman. He wasn’t dark and brooding, he was wooden and boring. It wasn’t just the story, but Afflecks portrayal of the character.