adroit balloon

enjoying my time here, floating around

  • 4 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 14th, 2023


  • Ok so isn’t the issue at hand whether the sites are to blame?

    let’s break this down so I can answer you in what I think is an honest way:

    1. Are the sites legally responsible for the content they host, generally speaking and/or in this context of radicalization and such subsequent results as these?


    1. Do these sites bear any social/moral responsibility to moderate their more extreme content in good faith to try to prevent this sort of result?


    1. Is there an overlap of 1 and 2?

    1 - this is for a court to decide. I’m not familiar enough with the very specifics of case law or with the suits being brought to know exactly what is being alleged, etc. I can’t opine on this other that to say that, from what I do know, it’s unlikely that a court would hold these sites legally responsible.

    2 - I fully believe that, yes, sites like these, massive, general-use public sites have a social and moral responsibility to keep their platforms safe. How and what that means is a matter for much debate, and I’m sure people here will do just that.

    3 - is there overlap? again, legally, I’m not sure, but there might be, and in the near future, there might be much more. also, should there be more? another subject for debate.

  • didn’t Parler have something like this, then their entire DB got hacked handed over to the FBI just after jan 6th, complete with hundreds of videos of the traitors committing crimes that they upload themselves? since Parler didn’t strip any metadata from uploaded media, the feds were able to use it all as evidence and use everyone’s IDs to tie it all to them.

    I bet they arrested hundreds of people this way and used tons more of it at the various trials

  • Well, this has been fun.

    kinda supports my argument that you’re a troll if this is your idea of fun.

    but I’ve wasted too much time on this conversation already, and I’d rather be spending it doing literally anything else.

    [X] DOUBT

    if that were true, you wouldn’t have spent hours here trying to convince me of the weird things going on in your head.

    In all seriousness though, I do hope you seek therapy. This level of toxic internet behavior really isn’t healthy.

    at last, some self-reflection, even if it’s reflecting off of me…. (ya know, that projection thing you mentioned earlier…) also, best of luck with your dad!