The monetisation is great. The market also allows you to get Platin without the need of spending money and you therefore don’t have to grind everything and simply buy some stuff with Platin you earned from selling your spare stuff.
The monetisation is great. The market also allows you to get Platin without the need of spending money and you therefore don’t have to grind everything and simply buy some stuff with Platin you earned from selling your spare stuff.
Nazi is already a term for “i dislike your opinion”. Also, the AfD is using a lot of NS rrethoric.Björn Höcke is going to court for like the fifth time because he used NS speech.
As I heard Psychedelics can work great in terms of curing mental illnesses. But you’re rright. When you have such an obvious Problem with mental health, you can’t give everyone the stuff they need to be happy. Its fighting the symptoms, not the cause.
Ich finde den Artikel von der Wirtschaftswoche sehr gut geschrieben und auf den Punkt gebracht. Es ist halt genau das. Verbrennen laufen aktuell aus. Niemand außer der CDU will daran festhalten. Die Autohersteller wollen es nicht und der Verbraucher tut es auch nicht. Vor dem Hintergrund der tendenziell steigenden Spritkosten ist es günstiger ein E-Auto zu kaufen.
All the other numbers can be written wit 0/1
Hang a poster with your face and resume up and wait for responses.
Die Öl Konzerne wussten schon vor der Jahrtausendwende(ich glaube in den 80ern sogar schon, bin mir da aber nicht so sicher), was sie mit ihrem tun anrichten.
Someone getting stoned to death by grass?
I know, but since Programms often ship as tar.gz I still have no fucking clue on how to finally install a Programm from it.
I don’t even know what rpm files are xD. I personally havent figured out how to make use of a tar.gz file.
The Arch wiki is one of the main reasons I use Arch/Arch based Distros. Its so insanely good and after you learned some of the basic stuff and what certain terms mean its a very good resource for doing stuff.
That’s absolutely true. I made the same mistakes and I got absolutely mad.
Can I update it from the inbuilt update tool in Firefox?
Universally regarded as a bad idea on Ubuntu based distros as far as my research goes.
sudo pacman -S firefox
is also enough. -Syu is for updating.
Man muss halt bedenken, dass es für einen sehr schnell sehr unangenehm werden kann, wenn dir alle dann als Rache Steine in den Weg legen. Dass das Verhalten nervig ist ist ja noch aus haltbar, aber wenn dich alle hassen und dir das Leben zur Hölle machen wollen würds auf Dauer einfach unaushaltbar. Da kannst du auch direkt Kündigen, das erspart dir den Stress.
I also want to add Branch Education. They explain(in detail) how computers work: