And here’s the link to the actual list instead of the announcement for he list -
And here’s the link to the actual list instead of the announcement for he list -
Check out working families party. It’s rad af
Concept for a kickass comic: badass trans women form the Ex Men and go on to beat the living hell out of folks like Moscow Mitch and the Dipshit Billionaire
It’s even simpler than that though. It’s about keeping the poor down and making more folks poor.
these folks are doing logical loop de loops
stop paying your taxes too, that shit is funding the genocide
I use voyager and I love you for sharing this. fuck the s*n.
404 neck not found
Neat! Thanks
What are they all¿
That’s pretty neat. Guess I’ll try tumbleweed for my next. Thank you for sharing and nice leggs!
why openSUSE? legit curious, never seen anybody running it.
Ahem actually it’s Jorgin Dapeenus Vance
DENIER. HOLOCAUST DENIER. fucking times gets worse and worse holy shit.
#!++ is the most beautiful person I have seen on the internet
we were all dealing with the incident
This post inspired me to go play outside, thank you
Not lazy, just don’t like giving twitter any traffic. Wanted to hear your arguments to support the democrats bad sentiment, but I got a bunch of rambling nonsense in return. Therefore I replied to you with some WELL MODIFIED copy pasta.
shame on CNN for calling them demonstrators. Human scum is more like it.