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Joined 1 month ago
Cake day: August 3rd, 2024


  • Hmm, it’s strange grey area. Sometimes piracy is the only way to make the book not disappear. There are niche, low circulation books and magazines which without piracy would disappear and became almost unavailable.

    Sometimes the book is no longer in the print because of many reasons:

    1. Author changed her / his mind and no longer wishes to publish it, at least in the original edition / version.
    2. Copyrights are being taken over and the final copyright owner ceases to republish it even when paid.
    3. Copyrights owner doesn’t know that his the owner of some books and it leads to the legal limbo.
    4. Low circulated books & magazines don’t survive until the copyrights expire - owners of the books die and their next heirs believe the books / magazines are just garbage and burn it or throw it away.

    Ethics & piracy is pretty strange combination and there is no easy answer for it

  • You forget that Germans were allies of Soviet Union in the beginning. Yes, allies. Then the roles got reversed after they attacked Soviet union. It’s hard to be surprised that the Soviet union reaction of treating them badly after the war knowing how they treated civilians in Soviet Union

    Still Germans died not of poisonous gas but the harsh realities of gulags. The same gulags were many eastern Europeans thrown into for nothing. Stil they weren’t subjected of the nation wide “final solutions” which they wanted to enforce on Jews and Polish ( yes, they were to be killed in their final solution but on the second place )

    They started the war, they dealt with cruel people, they blame Poles about everything including the change of borders as if Poland didn’t lose the eastern border.

    That’s the Soviets who decided about the change of eastern lands of German, not Poles.

    Germans should know the meaning of the word “selbstschuld”. Actions have consequences and when you start wars with superpowers, the consequences are very big.

    I see in recent years increase of German propaganda to portray themselves as prime victims in the ww ii on par with the Jews.

    Still it’s the best class propaganda as “Polish Atrocities Against the German Minority in Poland” which have been proved by even German journalists to vastly fake
