Another unpopular opinion. If you borrow money, pay it back. Regardless of who loaned it to you.
Another unpopular opinion. If you borrow money, pay it back. Regardless of who loaned it to you.
Iss is supposed to be end of life soonish right?
You have been banned by c/vegan
In what ways are hydro and wind unsafe?
I do not trust Amanda palmer
Except for the women that peed on him.
That was cloud 7 years ago and blockchain 4
America has a gun problem but it also has a fear problem.
I do acknowledge that the planet is fucked and making a wooly mammoth will not in any way address the root causes of that. The point I’m making is that if this is developed and perfected there is hope for a path back to biodiversity as long as humans get their shit together and unfuck the planet.
I know that the glass is way beyond half empty, I have to remember that there is a little water left or else all I’m left with is despair
The technology being developed to bring back an extinct species could be used to ensure extinction is no longer a possibility.
Because they don’t want to remind everyone that its been all downhill from there.
Oh, that is much better.
Its a joke son. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
All the more reason to bring it under control of the government
May be an unpopular opinion but I don’t care what happens to my games when I die because I will be dead. If I want to pass something on to any kids I have it will be memories.
No, fear is the mind killer.
3 weeks after release Israel starts setting up fences around a small bit of Arizona and calls it the very west bank.
Keep the title. Keep the setting. Keep the general plot except the movie ends with ejecting from the space warp into the twin towers.
You could totally get glowing fungus to grow on wood