It should not be necessary to do that in the first place.
It should not be necessary to do that in the first place.
Ist halt nicht mit einmal gemacht. Und vor allem darfst du nicht erwarten, dass der-/diejenige dann sagt “Oh, Mensch, Quittenbrot, du hattest Recht”. Seine eigene Meinung zu ändern ist ein langwieriger Prozess, der nicht während einer Diskussion, sondern größtenteils danach passiert. Jemanden überzeugen braucht Zeit.
Are you actually equating living and feeling species with objects?
In meinem Heimatdorf hängt beim Fensterbauer ein “Grünenwähler und -sympathisanten unerwünscht”-Schild vor der Tür. Weil sie den Untergang des Mittelstands zu verantworten hätten. Das ist im Speckgürtel von Stuttgart/Daimler (also Baden-Württemberg). Weiß nicht, was die für Lack saufen.
They are conservative centrists theoretically, but their leadership - which really is only one person, there is no other prolific person in the party than Aiwanger - has just in the last year questioned our democratic system and done nothing but use rightwing populist talking points. Not to mention the “Flugblattaffäre”, in which it was revealed that as a teenager he was involved in distributing pamphlets joking about the Holocaust, Hitler salutes, etc.
In proper Trump style he of course says he’s being prosecuted by the greens and leftwing media (lol) for “speaking for the small man”. And the worst part is, we see it works. The FW are now a rightwing anti-establishment party.
Was genau willst du denn, das sich ändert?
Gab auch Juden in der NSDAP. Opportunisten gibt es immer.
I’ll add Mysterium to the list. Not sure if it’s the translation I have, but almost all pieces have similar names. You read a paragraph and are just like “??” Super simple game.
Don’t even need kids - I tend to get very sleepy after 2-3 hours of driving anyway, so getting to take a little walk for 15-30 minutes is way healthier than loading up on energy drinks / coffee in a five minute stop.
When will they stop?!