Thank you for being the one to create a new home for goblincore in the fediverse! I’ve been missing it.
Your writeup in the sidebar is fantastic.
I’ve really been a lurker 99% of the time, but will have to come up with something nice to contribute as we rebuild here. Hopefully the others will find us.
Currently, kind of but not really.
Admins are reporting that they are getting bulk new account creations, with telltale markers of the less sophisticated types of bot accounts. So the locks, doors and windows are being actively tested as we speak.
Right now (as is my understanding) admin options include requiring confirmation of a valid email, using filter questions (meaning someone has to read and manually approve each registration), and implementing captchas.
Bots are coming. They’re here already. I sadly don’t know enough about it to be helpful, but I really hope the huge dev/sec community here is able to come up with better tools to detect and protect against them.