Beads has a special mode with its own wavetable banks, so you can use it as a granural synth basically. Although, if you know how to play with feedback well, you don’t really need to feed it too meaningful of a material to get gnarly sounds out of it. In addition, you can feed standard line level signals into Beads, which means that it’s compatible with virtually any audio device.
You might know about this but is really helpful to self-diagnose.
I would also suggest you write “disaster reports” where you ask yourself what happened and why it happened 5 or more times. Preferrably write it out by hand on a piece of paper.
“I couldn’t sleep last night. Why? Because I couldn’t calm down. Why? Because I felt too tired to consciously steer myself to calm down. Why? Because of the conversation earlier. What happened there? I was forced to pretend everything was okay when it wasn’t.”
You can keep going after this until you feel satisfied with your answers.
Afterwards, I also like to write something similar to this:
“Conclusion: tough conversations overdrain energy. Next time I should strive to mask less/plan recovery activities afterwards, etc.”
Finally, labeling emotions is a skill that will come to you after persistently working on it. Don’t give up! And read as much as you can about it.