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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: October 2nd, 2023


  • My dm’s always open to chat :). You sound like the kind of person I’d like to see more of in the world. And it sucks that being a person who goes out of their way to help others is so often comorbid with having a (usually undeserved imo) negative perception of themselves. Do you the story about the Persian king who offered great rewards to anyone who could make him feel hopeful when he is sorrowful and ground him when he is elated? ( I’m paraphrasing and butchering the story somewhat)

  • I’m in a not dissimilar position to you, right down to the childhood karate, and really resonate with your post. Except I’m 4 years older and my relationship has been going for 4 years older. It’s always weird and scary to understand these things, and can be very hard to share with your partner. I’ve been talking to a therapist about some of this stuff recently and they recommended reading the work of Meg John Barker, particularly the material on plurality. They have a lot of material available on line for free and it’s all short, really worth a read. The guist of it is that as a person you are likely plural, made up of multiple different “personas” that can be thought of the sources of various emotions/feelings, and it’s likely that one of more of them are not the gender you’re assigned at birth. You can embrace this at times without fully transitioning, or use it as a way to experiment 5o see if you want to live full time as a woman. I have so much respect for the girls here who have done it, but it looks like a challenging ordeal, even once you’re passing, and it is further complicated by already being in a cis het relationship with someone you love, means there is a lot more on the line. Wish you all the best in figuring all this out (and maybe when you do you can let me know xD )