• 208 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 13th, 2023


  • Same. Especially since I’ve been building EDWs for most of my career. People are always surprised that it actually takes time to integrate with different systems.

    “What do you mean you can’t just pull all the data out of this system that we don’t have database access to and are still building out the APIs?”

    I kid… The people asking for stuff don’t know what backend databases and APIs are.

  • I was talking to a friend just yesterday. She got offered a job but has to take a drug test and it somehow slipped her mind that this would be a possibility. So when the HR person gave her the offer and mentioned the need for a drug test, my friend said “oooohh yeah, I’m going on vacation this week and next, so I can get that scheduled when I get back.”

    The HR person said, “we should get it done ASAP before you go on vacation. Delaying a drug test isn’t a good look.” My friend told me her internal thoughts, which were “dammit can’t you just be cool for like a MINUTE!”

  • I remember growing up hearing that most people voted for the candidate they thought they could sit down and have a beer with. Then I started paying attention to politics and kind of forgot this really basic idea. It’s almost like a trap, the more you educate yourself, the more you assume that other people are doing the same thing. Then you’re flabbergasted when people vote against your preferred candidate since it seems so obvious. But seriously, look at the last few decades of presidents:

    • Bill Clinton seemed more relatable and someone you could have a beer with than Bush Sr, then also with Bob Dole.

    • Dubya, bless his dumb little heart, felt more down to earth than Gore or Kerry.

    • Obama was infinitely cooler than McCain or Romney.

    • Trump, as much of a jackass as he is, certainly seems more fun to hang out with than Hillary.

    • The major outlier here was that Biden beat Trump. It kind of goes to show you just how bad Trump fucked up. Had he just somewhat competently managed COVID, there’s a good possibility he would have won in 2020.

    Most people don’t give a shit about appointing Supreme Court Justices, immigration policy, monetary policy, disaster preparedness, etc. They just wanna look at a politician and say “Yeah, they’d probably be my friend if we met” and that’s it.

    Edit: this made me think of this Dave Chappelle stand-up before he was an asshole. https://youtu.be/KQ2dquaHO7Q